The Micro CRC TR 224 Seminar is a weekly gathering where invited scholars present their recent work in the field of microeconomics. The seminar showcases both theoretical and empirical work on a wide range of topics, including industrial organization, international trade, financial economics,  information economics, and mechanism design.

The seminar takes place on Tuesdays in Room S031, L7 3-5, from 1:45 PM to 3:00 PM.

Schedule of Seminar Presentations

Current/Upcoming Semester

FSS 2025

February 11
13:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Jing Zeng

Universität Bonn

Too-many-to-fail and the design of bailout regimesPDF

Tuesday, February 18

13:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Naoki Aizawa

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Labor Unions and Social InsurancePDF
February 25
13:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Valentina Reig

Toulouse School of Economics

Gender-Based Pricing Ban in Health Insurance: Evidence from Chile

Tuesday, March 413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Alina Ozhegova

Aalto University

Tuesday, March 1113:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Jacob Conway

University of Chicago Booth

Tuesday, March 1813:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Micael Castanheira

Université Libre de Bruxelles


Tuesday, March 2513:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Raluca Ursu

New York University

Tuesday, April 113:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Peter Norman Sorensen

University of Copenhagen


Tuesday, April 813:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Michael Ostrovsky

Stanford University


Tuesday, April 2913:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Ole Jann



Tuesday, May 613:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Alexander Frug

Universitat Pompeu Fabra


Tuesday, May 1313:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Louis Pape

Telecom Paris

Tuesday, May 2013:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

Piero Gottardi

University of Essex

Tuesday, May 2713:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room S031

Ellen Muir

MIT Sloan



Previous Semesters

  • HWS 2024

    13:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Igal Hendel

    Northwestern University

    Approaches to encouraging health insurance takeupPDF

    Tuesday, 10.09.2024

    13:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Joseph Harrington


    Third-Party Pricing Algorithms and Market CompetitionPDF
    13:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Christoph Walsh

    Tilburg University

    The Environmental Impact of Advertising Bans for Polluting Vehicles

    Tuesday, 24.09.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    David Salant

    Toulouse School of Economics

    Allocating Essential InputsPDF
    Tuesday, 01.10.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Yonggyun Kim

    Florida State University

    Blackwell-monotone information costsPDF
    Tuesday, 08.10.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Matteo Escudé


    Trans­pareny in non-market allocations

    Tuesday, 15.10.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044


    Tuesday, 22.10.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Pierre Fleckinger

    Mines Paris

    Collective Quality

    Tuesday, 29.10.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Luise Eisfeld

    HEC Lausanne

    Entry and Acquisitions in Software Markets

    Tuesday, 05.11.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Chiara Margaria

    Boston University

    Dynamic Signaling in Wald Options

    Tuesday, 12.11.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Fabiano Schivardi


    Careers and Wages in Family Firms:  Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data

    Tuesday, 19.11.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Michèle Müller-Itten

    University of St. Gallen

    Rational Inattention via Ignorance EquivalencePDF
    Tuesday, 26.11.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044Cancelled


    Tuesday, 03.12.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Cristian Espinosa


    From Protection to Retaliation: The Welfare Cost of Trade WarsPDF
  • FSS 2024

    Tuesday, 28.05.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Milena Almagro

    Chicago Booth School of Business

    Optimal Urban Trans­portation Policy: Evidence from Chicago 
    Tuesday, 21.05.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Larbi Alaoui

    Universtity Pompeu Fabra

    Attitudes Towards Success and Failure  
    Tuesday, 14.05.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Todd Keister

    Rutgers University

    Preventing Runs with Redemption Fees 
    Tuesday, 07.05.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Glenn Ellison

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Effects of Home Rental Sites on Residential Real Estate: Evidence from New Hampshire 
    Tuesday, 30.04.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Catherine Bobtcheff

    Paris School of Economics

    Organizing Insurance Supply for New and Undiversifiable Risks 
    Tuesday, 23.04.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Yossi Spiegel

    Tel Aviv  University 

    Horizontal Partial Cross Owner­ship and Innovation 
    Tuesday, 16.04.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Zvika Neeman

    Tel Aviv University

    Deterrence of Unwanted Behavior: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation 
    Tuesday, 19.03.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Michelle Fioretti

    Sciences Po

    Diversified Production and Market Power: Theory and Evidence from Renewables 
    Tuesday, 12.03.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Sara Shahanaghi

    Toulouse School of Economics

    Investment Timing and Reputation 
    Tuesday, 05.03.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Matthijs Wildenbeest

    University of Arizona

    An Empirical Model of Consideration through SearchPDF Download
    Tuesday, 27.02.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Johan Orrenius

    Stockholm School of Economics

    What is the value of attention? Supply and demand estimation of attention in a mobile phone settingPDF Download
    Tuesday, 20.02.202413:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Yue Yuan

    UCL, School of Management

    Security Design Under Common-Value CompetitionPDF Download
    13:45 – 15:00L 7, 3–5, room P044

    Avil Lichtig

    University of Bonn

    Optimal Testing in Disclosure Games

    PDF Download
  • HWS 2023

    05.12.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031
    Ariell Reshef
    Paris School of Economics
    Production Function Estimation with Multi-Destination Firms   
    28.11.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031
    Roxana Fernandez         
    The ALUR law and the opening of Drives in the French grocery retail sector
    21.11.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031
    In-Uck Park        
    University of Bristol
    Information Sale and Trade (joint with Robert Evans)
    14.11.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031

    Anders Munk.Nielsen   
    University of Kopenhagen

    Markups on Drop-downs: Prominence in Pharmaceutical Markets
    07.11.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031

    Tommaso Alba 
    KU Leuven

    Unsealing Settlements: Empirical investigation of Patent litigation and Bargaining
    31.10.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031

    Juan Ortner       
    Boston University

    The Value of Privacy in Cartels: An Analysis of the Inner Workings of a Bidding Ring
    24.10.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031
    Flavio Toxvaerd
    University of Cambridge
    Manufacturer Certification in Second-Hand Markets
    17.10.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031

    Sarah Auster    
    University of Bonn

    Persuasion with Limited Data: A Case-Based Approach
    10.10.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031

    Arjada Bardhi   

    Early-Career Discrimination: Spiraling or Self-Correcting?
    26.09.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031
    Ferdinand Rauch

    University of Heidelberg

    Identifying Agglomeration Shadows: Long-run Evidence from Ancient Ports
    19.09.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031
    Elena Prager     
    University of Rochester
    Labor Market Collusion through Common Leader­ship
    12.09.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031

    Rosa Ferrer    
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Viewers Heterogeneous Distaste for Advertisements: Evidence from a Two-Sided Market
    05.09.202313:45–15:00L7, 3–5,
    room S031

    David Ronayne
    ESMT Berlin

    Asymmetric Models of Sales (joint work with David P Myatt, LBS)
  • FSS 2023

    30.05.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Joel Stiebale

    Northeastern University

    Platform Promotion and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from the Amazon Books Page (joint with Joel Waldfogel)

    23.05.202313:45 – 15:00

    L7, 3–5, room P044

    Imke Reimers

    Rising Markups and the Role of Consumer Preferences (joint with Hendrik Döpper, Alexander MacKay and Nathan Miller)

    16.05.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Meredith Crowley
    Cambridge University

    The pro-competitive effects of trade agreements joint work with Lu Han and Thomas Prayer

    09.05.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Johanna Joy Isman
    Toulouse School of Economics

     Firms willingness to pay for certification leniency:  Evidence from the global wood industry

    02.05.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Tobias Gamp
    Humboldt Universität Berlin

    How to get advice from reputation concerned experts: A mechanism design approach (joint with Amir Habibi)

    25.04.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Chiara Farronato
    Harvard Business School
    Self-Preferencing at Amazon: Evidence from Search Rankings (joint work with Andrey Fradkin and Alexander MacKay)
    18.04.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Gary Biglaiser
    University of North Carolina

    Price Competition, Information Acquisition, and Product Differentiation Perception

    28.03.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Wolfram Schlenker
    Columbia University
    Institutions and Global Crop Yields
    21.03.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Sylvia Hristakeva

    UCLA Anderson

    Retailer Competition and Assortment Differentiation: Causal Evidence from Entry Lotteries

    14.03.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Alessandro Ispano
    CY Cergy Paris Université

    Designing and delegating interrogations

    07.03.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Jorge Lemus
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    The Benefit of the Doubt: Patent Examination under Strategic Obfuscation

    28.02.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044 Andreas Asseyer
    Freie Universität Berlin

    Certification Design with Common Values

    21.02.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Paula Onuchic
    University of Oxford

    Advisors with Hidden Motives

    14.02.202313:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Rosina Rodríguez Olivera
    Universität Bonn

    Optimal Disclosure of Private Information to Competitors

  • HWS 2022

    06.09.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Nicolas de Roos
    University of Sydney
    Informed Sources and the Role of Platforms for Facilitating Anticompetitive Communication
    13.09.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Mathias Reynaert           Toulouse School of Economics

    Colluding Against Environmental Regulation
    20.09.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Ludovica Gazze
    University of Warwick

    A View from the Fenceline: Evaluating Monitoring and Enforcement Policies to Reduce Oil and Gas Methane Emissions
    27.09.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Andre Veiga      
    Imperial College

    Optimal Contract Regulation in Selection Markets
    04.10.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044//
    11.10.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Lisandra Flach  
    LMU Munich &  Ifo Institute

    “Supply and Demand Linkages in Exporting Multiproduct Firms” (Joint work with Carsten Eckel and Ning Meng)
    18.10.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Mitsuru Igami  
    Yale University

    „Collusion and Innovation: The Case of LCD Cartel, 2001–2006“ with Jeff Qiu (US Department of Justice) and Takuo Sugaya (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
    25.10.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Johanna Joy Isman          Toulouse School of Economics

    Firms’ willingness to pay for certification leniency: Evidence from the global wood industry
    08.11.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044José P. Vasquez
    London School of Economics
    Responsible Sourcing? Theory and Evidence from Costa Rica      
    15.11.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Mariassunta Giannetti   Stockholm School of EconomicsOnline  Supply Chain Risk: Changes in Supplier Composition and Vertical Integration
    22.11.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    John Thanassoulis           Warwick Business School

    Banking and Credit Market Competition with AI and Cryptocurrencies (Joint work with Tamas Vadasz, KU Leuven)
    29.11.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044

    Rosina Rodríguez Olivera            
    University of Bonn

    06.12.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room P044Christopher Sandmann London School of EconomicsMarket Structure and Adverse Selection
  • FSS 2022

    DateTimeLocationSpeaker Title
    18.01.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Sharing Eray Cumbul     
    TOBB University of Economics and Technology

    Group Formation, Mergers, and Overlapping Owner­ship in Aggregative Games with Information
    21.01.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031Andreii Matveenko     
    University of Copenhagen
    Sparking curiosity or tipping the scales? Targeted advertising to rationally inattentive consumers
    26.01.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Marco Duarte 
    University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Hub-and-Spoke Collusion with Horizontally Differentiated Spokes

    27.01.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Felix Montag    
    LMU Munich

    Mergers, Foreign Entry, and Jobs: Evidence from the U.S. Appliance Industry    
    28.01.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Changhwa Lee 
    University of Pennsylvania

    Optimal Recommender System Design

    22.02.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Johannes Schneider      
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid & Uni of Mannheim

    A Quest for Knowledge (joint with Christoph Carnehl, Bocconi)

    22.03.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Maximilian Guennewig
    University of Bonn

    Money Talks: Information and Seignorage
    29.03.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Jonas von Wangenheim               University of Bonn

    Dutch vs. First-Price Auctions with Expectations-Based Loss-Averse Bidders

    05.04.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Yutec Sun    

    26.04.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    David Hemous 
    University of Zürich

    Induced Automation: Evidence from Firm-level Patent Data

    03.05.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Marleen Marra
    University College London

    Competitive award of scarce airport slots: an empirical analysis

    10.05.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Piotr Dworczak
    Northwestern University

    Are Simple Mechanisms Optimal when Agents are Unsophisticated?
    17.05.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Ludvig Sinander              
    Oxford University

    The Comparative Statics of Persuasion
    24.05.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Patrick Rey        
    Toulouse School of Economics

    Coordination in the fight against collusion
    31.05.202213:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5, room S031

    Pierre Dubois  
    Toulouse School of Economics

    Soda Taxes and Advertising Dynamics   

  • HWS 2021

    07.12.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001Mengxi Zhang  
    University of Bonn
    Optimal Contests with Incomplete Information and Convex Effort Costs
    30.11.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Basile Grassi     
    Bocconi University

    The Hitchhicker´s Guide to Markup Estimation
    29.11.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Harald Fadinger, Lei Li, Jan Schymik       
    Univeristy of Mannheim

    Workshop on „Trade Policy and Global Value Chains“    
    23.11.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001Özlem Bédré-Defolie

    ESMT Berlin

    Hybrid Platform Model
    18.11.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001ZEW      
    MACCI Law and Economics Conference
    16.11.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Laurent Linnemer           

    Double marginalization and vertical integration
    09.11.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Oliver Rehbein
    Uni Bonn

    Take it to the Bank! Local Discourse and Deposits
    02.11.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Pauline Affeldt
    DIW Berlin

    Competitive effects of big tech acquisitions
    26.10.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Hannes Ullrich  
    DIW Berlin

    Machine Predictions and Human Decisions with Variation in Payoffs and Skill
    12.10.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Germain Gaudin            
    University of Freiburg

    Quality and Imperfect Competition
    05.10.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Valerie Smeets
    Aarhus University

    29.09.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001Julien Monardo
    Telecom Paris  (Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
    Measuring Substitution Patterns with a Flexible Demand Model              
    21.09.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Guido Friebel   
    Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

    Knowledge Teams, Careers, and Gender
    14.09.202113:45 – 15:00L7, 3–5,  room 001

    Jo Van Biesebroeck       
    KU Leuven

    Strategic Trade Liberalization
  • FFS 2021

    25.05.202117:15 – 18:30ZoomJohn Kuong       
    The Design of a Central Co­unter­party
    11.05.202117:15 – 18:30ZoomTatyana Deryugina         
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Pollution and Mortality in the United States: Evidence from 1972-1988
    27.04.202117:15 – 18:30Zoom

    Christopher Sullivan      
    University of Wisconsin–Madison

    Testing Firm Conduct
    13.04.202117:15 – 18:30Zoom

    Rahul Deb          
    University of Toronto

    Multi-Dimensional Screening with Buyer-Optimal Learning
  • HWS 2020

    01.12.202017:15 – 18:30ZoomGilles Chemla   
    Imperial College London
    Signaling, Random Assignment, and Causal Effect Estimation
    17.11.202017:15 – 18:30


    Judith Chevalier              
    Yale School of Management

    Nursing Home Staff Networks and COVID-19
    03.11.202017:15 – 18:30Zoom

    Senay Sokullu   

    Demand Models with Endogenous Product Availability and Multiple Equilibria
    20.10.202017:15 – 18:30Zoom

    Toomas Hinnosaar         
    University of Nottingham

    Price Setting on a Network
    06.10.202017:15 – 18:30Zoom

    Sharat Ganapati              

    Non-Tariff Barriers and Bargaining in Generic and Off-Patent Pharmaceutical Markets
    22.09.202017:15 – 18:30Zoom

    Bart Bronnenberg          
    Tilburg University

    Gains from Convenience and the Value of E-commerce
    15.09.202017:15 – 18:30Zoom

    Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn
    University of California

    09.09.202017:15 – 18:30ZoomAniko Öry           
    Yale School of Management
  • FFS 2020

    28.0515:00 – 16:15L7, 3–5, room P044

    Özlem Bedre-Defolie    
    ESMT Berli

    21.0515:00 – 16:15L7, 3–5, room P044

    Leonardo Madio             
    Toulouse School of Economics

    „Data Brokers Co-Opetition“ (with Y. Gu and C. Reggiani)
    14.0515:00 – 16:15Zoom

    Tobias Salz         

    The Economic Consequences of Data Privacy Regulation: Empirical Evidence from GDPR” (with G. Aridor and Y.-K. Che)
    07.0515:00 – 16:15Zoom

    Michael Kummer            
    University of East Anglia

    Competition and Privacy in Online Markets: Evidence from the Mobile App Industry“ (with R. Kessler and P. Schulte)
    30.0415:00 – 16:15ZoomShoshana Vasserman   
    Stanford University – SIEPR
    Buying Data from Consumers: The Impact of Monitoring in US Auto Insuranc“ (with Y. Jin)
    23.0415:00 – 16:15ZoomCarlo Reggiani  
    University of Manchester
    „Exclusive Data, Price Manipulation and Market Leader­ship“ (with Y. Gu and L. Madio)
    16.0415:00 – 16:15ZoomNageeb Ali         
    Penn State University
    „Voluntary Disclosure and Personalized Pricing“ (with G. Lewis and S. Vasserman)
    09.0415:00 – 16:15Zoom

    Paul Belleflamme           
    UCLouvain,CORE/LIDAM, Louvain School of Management

    „Competitive Imperfect Price Discrimination and Market Power“ (with W. Lam and W. Vergote)
    02.0415:00 – 16:15Zoom

    Greg Taylor       
    Oxford University

    „Data and Competition: A General Framework with Applications to Mergers, Market Structure, and Privacy Policy“ (with Alex De Corniere)
    03.0315:00 – 16:15Zoom

    Stephan Luck    
    NY Fed

    „The Effects of Banking Competition on Growth and Financial Stability: Evidence from the National Banking Era“ (joint with M. Carlson and S. Correia)
    25.0215:00 – 16:15ZoomHelene Mass    
    University of Bonn
    Information Acquisition in Social Learning