Seminar Topics in Macroeconomics

The Seminar "Topics in Macroeconomics” discusses recent research projects in the field of macroeconomics on a weekly basis. Ph.D. students and professors from the University of Mannheim present their work.
The seminar takes place in lecture room P043, L7 3-5, every Wednesday from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm during the lecture period. The exact dates, presenters and topics are shown below.

The presentation titles will be updated on a rolling basis.





 14 February, 2024Daniel Runge“Looking into the Consumption Blackbox – Evidence from Scanner Data”
 21 February, 2024Thibault Cézanne“Macro-Prudential Policy Surprises and Banks’ Reaction”
 06 March, 2024Lukas Hack“Progressive Income Taxation and Inflation: The Macroeconomic Effects of Bracket Creep”
 13 March, 2024

Andrii Tarasenko

Financial Frictions, Markups, and Unilateral Trade Liberalization"

 10 April, 2024Marina Hoch“Weathering Mortgages: Disaster Aid in a Changing Climate“
 17 April, 2024Ursula Berresheim“Work from Home, Work for Less? Location Flexibility and Gender Wage Inequalities”
 15 May, 2024Yann Müller“Oases and the Macroeconomic Effects of Domestic Market Potential”
 22 May, 2024Bjarne Horst

“Congestion and Cushion: Evidence from Manufacturing Order Books”

 29 May, 2024Hannes Twieling„United in Booms, Divided in Busts: House price cycles in currency unions“