Mannheim Applied Seminar
The Mannheim Applied Seminars (formerly Applied Economics and Econometrics Seminars) serve as forum of discussion for current research by scientists from universities and research institutes throughout Germany and Europe. Typically the papers have an applied or econometric focus. Members of all universities and research institutes are welcome to take part in the seminars. Students can apply to us.
In many cases the audience consists of some non-native German speaking colleagues. Therefore, the paper should be presented in English.
The seminar series is funded by the German Research Foundation through the CRC TR 224 and the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, and the ZEW.
Time: | Wednesday 12:15 – 1:30 p.m. |
Place: | ZEW Mannheim and/ |
Contact: | Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Ph.D. – phone +49 621 1235-296 – e-mail: effrosyni.adamopoulou zew.deProf. Miren Azkarate-Askasua, Ph.D. – phone +49 621 181-1846 – e-mail: azkarate-askasua uni-mannheim.deDr. Jan Schymik – phone +49 621 181-3426 – e-mail: jan.schymik uni-mannheim.deProf. Michèle Tertilt, Ph.D. – phone +49 621 181-1902 – e-mail: michele.tertilt uni-mannheim.deProf. Dr. Nicolas R. Ziebarth – phone: +49 621 1235-151 – e-mail: nicolas.ziebarth |
Schedule of Seminar Presentations
Current/ Upcoming Semester
FSS 2025
Date/ | Location | Name | Title |
05.03.2025 | ZEW, Room Brussels | Bernd Fitzenberger, IAB | “Changing Fertility and Heterogeneous Motherhood Effects: Revisiting the Effects of a Parental Benefits” with Arnim Seidlitz |
12.03.2025 | ZEW, Room Brussels | Angie Acquatella, Toulouse | “The Health Dimension of Redistribution: Theory and Empirics“ with Amitabh Chandra and Michael Eber |
19.03.2025 | ZEW, Room Brussels | Valentin Paredes; Universidad de Chile | |
26.03.2025 | ZEW, Room 1 | Nathalie Bau, UCLA | |
02.04.2025 | ZEW, Room Brussels | Christoph Trebesch, IfW Kiel | |
09.04.2025 | ZEW, Room Brussels | Andreas Kostol, BI Norwegian Business School | |
16.04.2025 | - | - | Easter Break |
23.04.2025 | - | - | Easter Break |
30.04.2025 | ZEW, Room Brussels | Ingrid Hägele, LMU | |
07.05.2025 | ZEW, Room 1 | Gabriela Conti, UCL | |
14.05.2025 | ZEW, Room 1 | Nezih Guner, CEMFI | |
21.05.2025 | ZEW, Room Brussels | Yifan Lyu, SSE | |
28.05.2025 | ZEW, Room Brussels | Nancy Qian, Kellogg/ |
Previous Semesters
HWS 2024
Date/ Time Location Name Title 11.09.2024 ZEW, Room 2
Chris Cronin, University of Notre Dame “Sick Leave and Retirement: Dynamic Decision-Making among US Public School Teachers“ with Matthew C. Harris & Nicolas R. Ziebarth 18.09.2024 - - - 25.09.2024 ZEW, Room Europa Suresh Naidu, Columbia „The Cold War and US Labor Markets“ 02.10.2024 ZEW, Room Europa Barbara Petrongolo, Oxford
„Birth Timing and Spacing: Implications for Parental Leave Dynamics and Child Penalties“ with Abigail Adams-Prassl, & Mathias Fjællegaard Jensen
09.10.2024 ZEW, Room Europa Dietmar Fehr, Universität Stuttgart „Listen to Her: Gender Differences in Information Diffusion within the Household“ 16.10.2024 ZEW, Room Europa Laura Alfaro, Harvard “Industrial and Trade Policy in Supply Chains: The Case of Rare Earth Elements” with Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, & Gede Virananda 23.10.2024 ZEW, Room Europa Thomas Cornelissen, Essex "Spatial Spillovers of Violent Conflict“ 30.10.2024 ZEW 06.11.2024 ZEW, Room 1 Steffen Altmann, Universität Duisburg-Essen
„Expected Re-Employment Wages and Job Search“ with Robert Mahlstedt, Malte Rattenborg, Alexander Sebald, Sonja Settele, & Johannes Wohlfart 13.11.2024 ZEW, Room Europa Kjell Salvanes, NHH “Long-Term Consequences of Air Pollution:does age or years of exposure matter?“ with Aline Bütikofer, & Zichen Deng 20.11.2024
ZEW, Room Europa Suanna Oh, PSE
"Worker Absences and Demand for Flexible Contracts“ with Sampreet Goraya, & Yogita Shamdasani 27.11.2024 ZEW, Room Europa Christian Pröbsting, KU Leuven Labor Mobility and the Level of Unemployment in a Currency Union with Erin Gibson, Christopher House, & Linda Tesar
04.12.2024 ZEW, Room 2 Dávid Krisztián Nagy, CREI „The Death and Life of Great British Cities“ with Stephan Heblich, Alex Trew, & Yanos Zylberberg FSS 2024
Date/ Time Location Name Title 06.03.2024 ZEW – Room Brüssel
Justin Sydnor, Wisonsin-Madison „The Impact of Consequence Information on Insurance Choice“ with Anya Samek 13.03.2024 ZEW – Room Brüssel Patricia Cortes, Boston „Gender Di erences in Negotiations and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from an Information Intervention with College Students“ with J. French, J. Pan & B. Zafar 20.03.2024 ZEW – Room Heinz-König-Hall Arne Uhlendorff, CREST "Consumption Choices and Earnings Expectations: Empirical Evidence and Structural Estimation“ with Christian Stoltenberg 27.03.2024 Easter Break 03.04.2024 Easter Break 10.04.2024 ZEW – Room Brüssel Yanos Zylberberg, Bristol „Floating population: migration with(out) family and the spatial distribution of economic activity“ withC. Imbert, J. Monras, M. Seror 17.04.2024 ZEW – Room Brüssel Jeanne Tschopp, Bern “The Impact of Unions on Nonunion Wage Setting: Threats and Bargaining” with David Green, Ben Sand, Iain Snoddy 24.04.2024 ZEW – Room Brüssel François Gerard, UCL - canceled - 01.05.2024 Public holiday 08.05.2024 ZEW – Room Brüssel Josef Zweimüller, Bern
"Duration Dependence in Finding a Job: Applications, Interviews, Job Offers“ with R. Lalive, A. Osikominu, L. Pesaresi, J Zuchuat 15.05.2024
ZEW – Room Brüssel Oriana Bandiera, LSE „Meaning at work“ with Nava Ashraf, Virginia Minni, Luigi Zingales 22.05.2024 ZEW – Room Brüssel Sam Bazzi, UCSD „The Confederate Diaspora“ with Andreas Ferrara, Martin Fiszbein, Thomas Pearson, Patrick Testa 29.05.2024 ZEW – Room Brüssel Kensuke Teshima, Hitotsubashi University „From Samurai to Skyscrapers: How Transaction Costs Shape Tokyo.“ with Junichi Yamasaki and Kentaro Nakajima
HWS 2023
Date/ Time Location Name Title 06.09.2023 ZEW – Room Luxemburg
Michela Giorcelli, UCLA „The Effects of Business School Education on Manager Career Outcomes“ 13.09.2023 ZEW – Room Brüssel
Árpád Ábrahám, University of Bristol - cancelled - 20.09.2023 ZEW – Room Brüssel
Carlos Urrutia, ITAM „Informality, Tax Distortions, and the Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy“ joint with Tiago Tavares 27.09.2023 ZEW – Room HKH
Josep Pijoan-Mas, CEMFI „Dual Labor Markets and the Equilibrium Distribution of Firms” joint with Pau Roldan-Blanco 04.10.2023 ZEW – Room Luxemburg
Daphné Skandalis, University of Copenhagen - cancelled - 11.10.2023 ZEW – Room Brüssel Fabrizio Mazzonna, USI Lugano „Health and labor market consequences of low-value care: The role of practice style“ joint with M. Albertini & P. Baxk 18.10.2023 ZEW – Room HKH Alex Monge-Naranjo, EUI „Of Cities and Slums“ joint with Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira & Luciene Torres de Mello Pereira 25.10.2023 ZEW – Room Brüssel
Paul Muller, VU Amsterdam „Tax incentives for migrants with mid-level earnings: evidence from the Netherlands” joint with Lisa Timm & Massimo Giuliodori 01.11.2023 Public holiday (All Saints' Day) 08.11.2023 Uni MA – SO 318 Armin Falk, briq-Institut/Uni Bonn
- cancelled - 15.11.2023 ZEW – Room Brüssel
Liran Einav, Stanford „Targeting Precision Medicine: Evidence from Prenatal Screening“ joint with Peter Conner, Amy Finkelstein, Petra Persson & Heidi Williams 22.11.2023 ZEW – Room Brüssel
Paolo Pinotti, Bocconi „Making Subsidies Work: Rules vs. Discretion“ joint with Federico Cingano, Filippo Palomba & Enrico Rettore 29.11.2023 ZEW – Room Brüssel
Michele Belot, Cornell „Stimulating Occupational Mobility among
Unemployed Job Seekers“ joint with Bart K. de Koning, Didier Fouarge,
Philipp Kircher, Paul Muller & Sandra Phlippen06.12.2023 ZEW – Room Brüssel
Michael Best, Columbia University „Greener on the Other Side: Inequity and Tax Compliance“, joint with Luigi Caloi, François Gerard, Evan Kresch, Joana Naritomi & Laura Zoratto
FSS 2023
Date/ Time Location Name Title 01.03.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
Jeremiah Dittmar, LSE „Strikes and Innovation“ joint with Jens Aurich 08.03.2023 ZEW -
Room 1
Francisca Antman, Colorado Boulder „Innovation Nation: Evidence from Broadening Access to Ph.D. Training in the U.S“ joint with Kirk Doran, Xuechao Qian, and Bruce Weinberg
15.03.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
Marika Cabral, U Texas at Austin „Gender Differences in Medical Evaluations: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Doctors“ joint with Marcus Dillender 22.03.2023 ZEW –
Room Brüssel
Antonella Trigari, Bocconi „Temporary Layoffs, Loss-of-Recall and Cyclical Unemployment Dynamics“ joint with Mark Gertler and Chris Huckfeldt 29.03.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
Zsofia Barany, Central European University “Late Bloomers? The causes and Consequences of Graduating from College Later in Life“ joint with Moshe Buchinsky and Pauline Corblet
05.04.2023 - Easter Break - 12.04.2023 - Easter Break - 19.04.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
Tommaso Porzio, Columbia Business School
“Transforming Institutions: Labor Reallocation and Wage Growth in a Reunified Germany”joint with Wolfgang Dauth, Sebastian Findeisen and Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee
26.04.2023 ZEW – Room HKH Sascha Becker, Monash University „From the Death of God to the Rise of Hitler“ joint with Joachim Voth 03.05.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
Andreas Steinhauer, Edinburgh “Firm Adjustments to Worker Absence: Evidence from Four Family Policy Regimes” joint with Anne Brenøe, Ursa Krenk, Josef Zweimüller
10.05.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
Maia Guell, Edinburgh „A non-parametric variance decomposition of unstable employment cycles“ joint with Cristina Lafuente, Manuel Sanchez, and Helene Turon
17.05.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
- cancelled -
Fabrizio Zilibotti, Yale
„Growing Like India: The Unequal Effects of Service-Led Growth“ joint with Tianyu Fan and Michael Peters
24.05.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
Sampreet Goraya, Stockholm School of Economics „Social Norms, Product Demand, and Firm Size“ 31.05.2023 ZEW -
Room Brüssel
Analisa Packham, Vanderbilt „Effects of Universal and Unconditional Cash Transfers on Child Maltreatment“ HWS 2022
Fall 2022
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, September 7,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room 1
Paula Gobbi (ECARES) „Revolutionary transition: Inheritance change and fertility decline“ joint with Victor Gay, and Marc Goñi Wednesday, September 28,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room Brüssel Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis (UAB) „A Quantitative Theory of the HIV Epidemic: Education, Risky Sex, and Asymmetric Learning“ Wednesday, October 5,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room 1 Yongsung Chang (SNU) „Asymmetric Frisch Elasticity of Labor Supply“ joint with Sun-Bin Kim, and Junseok Lee Wednesday, October 12,
12.15 p.m.L 7, 3–5
room 001Omar Rachedi (ESADE Business School) „Robot Adoption and Inflation Dynamics“ joint with Henrique S. Basso Wednesday, October 19,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room Brüssel Anne Gielen (Erasmus University) „Multigenerational Impacts of a Natural Disaster” joint with Gordon B. Dahl Wednesday, October 26,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room Brüssel Andrea Ichino (EUI) „College Education, Intelligence, and Disadvantage: Policy Lessons from the UK in 1960-2004“ joint with Aldo Rustichini, and Giulio Zanella
Wednesday, November 2,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room Brüssel Daniel Rees (UCM3) „Safeguarding Consumers through Mimimum Quality Standards: Milk Inspections and Urban Mortality, 1880 – 1910“ Wednesday, November 9,
17:15 p.m.virtual Richard Rogerson (Princeton University) „Occupations, Life Cycle Wage Growth and Inequality“ joint with Andres Erosa, Luisa Fuster, and Gueorgui Kambourov Wednesday, November 16,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room 1 Nicola Pavoni (Bocconi) „The (mis)perceived slope of the Philipps curve: Monetary policy with limited aware agents“ joint with Davide Debortoli, Luigi Iovino, and Donhai Zhang
Wednesday, November 23,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room Brüssel Christian Siegel (Kent University) „Routine-biased Technical Change, Structure of Employment, and Cross-country Income Differences” joint with Werner Pena Wednesday, November 30,
12:15 p.m.(ZEW, room Brüssel) Nicolas R. Ziebarth (ZEW & University of Mannhein) „Mandated Sick Pay: Coverage, Utilization, and Welfare Effects“ joint with Catherine Maclean, and Stefan Pichler Wednesday, December 7,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room 1 Michela Giorcelli (UCLA)
„The Economics of Civilian Victimization: Evidence from World War II Italy“ joint with Mattia Bertazzini Wednesday, December 14,
12:15 p.m.ZEW, room Brüssel Paola Giuliano (UCLA)
„The Seeds of Ideology: Historical Immigration and Political Preferences in the United States“ joint with Marco Tabellin FSS 2022
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, 2 March,
12:15 p.m.Room 004,
L 9,1
David Dorn (University of Zurich) “No Help for the Heartland? The US Employment Effects of the Trump Tariffs” Wednesday, 9 March,
12:15 p.m.Virtual Thomas Le Barbanchon (Bocconi University) Hiring difficulties and firms' growth Wednesday, 16 March,
5.15 p.m.Virtual Mariacristina De Nardi (University of Minnesota) Why do couples and singles save during retirement? Wednesday, 23 March,
12:15 p.m.Room 123 ZEW Andres Erosa (Carlos III, Madrid) Public Financing with Financial Frictions and Underground Economy Wednesday, 30 March,
12:15 p.m.Virtual Barbara Biasi (EIEF) The Education-Innovation Gap Wednesday, 6 April
5.15 p.m.Virtual Martha Bailey (UCLA) How the 1963 Equal Pay Act and 1964 Civil Rights Act Shaped the Gender Gap in Pay, BHS-Appendix Wednesday, 27 April,
12:15 p.m.Room 123 ZEW Daniel Reck (LSE) Tax Evasion at the Top of the Income Distribution: Theory and Evidence Wednesday, 4 May,
12:15 p.m.Room 123 ZEW Felix Bierbrauer (University of Cologne) The taxation of couples Wednesday, 11 May,
12:15 p.m.Room Brussels ZEW Chris Roth (University of Cologne) Narratives about the Macroeconomy Wednesday, 18 May,
12.15 p.m.Room Brussels ZEW Gianluca Violante (Princeton University) Amenity Shocks in the Labor Market Wednesday, 25 May,
12:15 p.m.Room Brussels ZEW Bettina Siflinger (Tilburg University) Mental Health and Abortions among Young Women: Time-Varying Unobserved Heterogeneity, Health Behaviors, and Risky Decisions
Wednesday, 1 June,
12:15 p.m.Room Brussels ZEW Claudio Costanzo (ULB) Robots, Career Cost, and Fertility Timing HWS 2021
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, 8 September,
12:15 p.m.L 7, 3–5
S001Johannes Spinnewijn,
LSE“Retirement Consumption and Pension Design” joint with Jonas Kolsrud, Camille Landais and Daniel Reck Wednesday, 15 September,
12:15 p.m.virtual Tiago Cavalcanti,
Cambridge University„Dispersion in Financing Costs and Development“ joint with Joseph P. Kaboski, Bruno S. Martins, and Cezar Santos Wednesday, 22 September,
12:15 p.m.virtual Uwe Sunde,
LMU, Munich„Knowledge, Education, and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Enlightenment in France“ joint with Lukas Rosenberger
Wednesday, 29 September,
12:15 p.m.L 7, 3–5
S001Patricia Funk,
University of Lugano“Gender Differences in Peer Recognition by Economists” joint with David Card, Stefano DellaVigna, and Nagore Iriberri Wednesday, 6 October,
12:15 p.m.L 7, 3–5
S001Hosny Zoabi,
The New Economic School Moscow„Promoting Gender Equality – Paternity Leave and Household Choices“ joint with Libertad Gonzalez Wednesday, 13 October,
12:15 p.m.L 7, 3–5
S001Philipp Ager,
University of Mannheim„Froebel's Gifts: How the Kindergarten Movement Changed the American Family“ joint wih Francesco Cinnirella Wednesday, 20 October
12:15 p.m.virtual
Randi Hjalmarsson,
University of Gotheburg„Discontinuities in the Age-Victimization Profile and the Determinants of Victimization“ joint with Anna Bindler, Nadine Ketel and Andrea Mitrut Wednesday, 27 October,
12:15 p.m.L 7, 3–5
S001Thiemo Fetzer,
University of Warwick„How Big is the Media Multiplier? Evidence from Dyadic News Data“ joint with Tim besley, and Hannes Mueller Wednesday, 3 November,
5:00 p.m.virtual Emi Nakamura,
University of Berkeley„Learning about the Long Run“ joint with Leland Farmer, and Jon Steinsson Wednesday, 10 November,
3:00 p.m.Owen Zidar,
University of PrincetonCANCELLED Wednesday, 17 November,
12:15 p.m.L 7, 3–5
S001Peter Haan,
DIW„Biased Wage Expectations and Female Labor Supply“ Wednesday, 24 November,
12:15 p.m.L 7, 3–5
S001Libertad Gonzalez,
UPF"The Effect of Access to Legal Abortion on Fertility, Marriage, and Long-term Outcomes for Women“ joint with Sergi Jimenez-Martin, Natalia Nollenberger, and Judit Vall Castello Wednesday, 1 December,
12:15 p.m.virtual Marco Manacorda,
Queen Mary„Mobile Internet and Political Tribalism in Europe“ Wednesday, 8 December,
12:15 p.m.virtual Yongseok Shin,
WUSTL„Is Software Eating the World?“ FSS 2021
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, March 3,
3:00 p.m.Zoom
Mark Bils (Rochester) „Labor Subtitutability among Schooling Groups“ joint with Baris Kaymak, and Kai-Jie Wu Wednesday, March 10,
5:00 p.m.Zoom
Enrico Moretti (UC Berkeley) „Where is Standard of Living the Highest? Local Prices and the Geography of Consumption“ joint with Rebecca Diamond Wednesday, March 17,
3:00 pmZoom Thomas Lemieux (UBC) „Labor Market Institutions and the Distribution of Wages: The Role of Spillover Effects“ joint with Nicole M. Fortin, and Neil Lloyd Wednesday, March 24,
3:00 p.m.Zoom
Amir Sufi (Chicago Booth) „The Saving Glut of the Rich“ joint with Atif Mian, and Ludwig Straub Wednesday, 14 April,
3:00 p.m.Zoom Elizabeth Caucutt (Western Ontario) „Child skill production: Accounting for parental and market-based time and good investments“ joint with Lance Lochner, and Joseph Mullins Wednesday, 21 April,
2:00 p.m.Zoom Myrto Kalouptsidi (Havard) „Search Frictions and Efficency in Decentralized Transport Markets“ joint with Giulia Brancaccio, Theodore Papageorgiou and Nicola Rosaia Wednesday, 28 April,
3:00 p.m.Zoom Nathaniel Hendren (Harvard) „Opportunity Unraveled: Private Information and the Missing Markets for Financing Human Capital“ joint with Dan Herbst Wednesday, 5 May, 3:00 p.m. Zoom Lisa Kahn (Rochester) „Searching, Recalls, and Tightness: An Interim Report on the COVID Labor Market“ joint with Eliza Forsythe, Fabian Lange and David G. Wiczer Wednesday, 12 May, 3:00 p.m. Zoom Jesse Shapiro (Brown) „Labor Market Returns and the Evolution of Cognitive Skills: Theory and Evidence“ joint with Santiago Hermo, Miika Päällysaho, and David Seim Wednesday, 19 May, 3:00 p.m Zoom Owen Zidar (Princeton) CANCELLED Wednesday, 26 May, 3:00 p.m. Zoom Ghazala Azmat (Science Po) „Gender Promotion Gaps: Career Aspirations and Workplace Discrimination“ joint with Vicente Cunat, and Emeric Henry Wednesday, 2 June, 3:00 p.m. Zoom Raquel Fernandez (NYU) „Coming Out in America: Thirty Years of Cultural Change“ joint with Sahar Parsa, and Martina Viarengo Wednesday, 9 June, 3:00 p.m. Zoom Ayşegül Şahin (UT Austin) „The missing Inflation Puzzle: The Role of Wage-Price Pay-Through“ joint with Sebastian Heise, and Fatih Karahan Wednesday, 16 June, 5:00 p.m. Zoom Gregory Martin (Stanford) „The Impact of Online Competition on Local Newspapers: Evidence from the Introduction of Craiglist“ joint with Milena Djourelova, and Ruben Durante Wednesday, 23 June,
3:00 pmZoom Benjamin Schöfer (Berkeley) „Voice at Work“ joint with Jarkko Harju, and Simon Jäger HWS 2020
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, 30 September,
3:00 p.m.Anna Aizer Brown University) Discrimination and Racial Disparities in Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from WWII (with Ryan Boone, Adriana Lleras-Muney, Jonathan Vogel) Wednesday, 7 October,
3:00 p.m.
Teodora Boneva (University of Zurich) The COVID Inequality Project (with A. Adams-Prassl, M. Golin, and C. Rauh) Wednesday, 14 October,
3:00 p.m.Alex Rees-Jones (Cornell University) The Negative Consequences of Loss-Framed Performance Incentives (with Lamar Pierce, and Charlotte Blank) Wednesday,21 October
4:00 p.m.Erik Hurst (Chicago Booth) Income Growth and Distributional Effects of Urban Spartial Sorting (with Victor Coutoure, Cecile Gaubert, and Jessie Handbury) Wednesday, 28 October,
3:00 p.m.Gregor Jarosch (Princeton University) Granular Search, Market Structure, and Wages (with Jan Sebastian Nimczik, Isaac Sorkin) Wednesday, 4 November,
3:00 p.m.Sandra Black (Columbia University) Where does Wealth Come From? The Determinants of Wealth over the Lifetime. (with Paul Devereaux, Fanny Laudaud, and Kjell Salvanes) Wednesday, 11 November,
3:00 p.m.Cormac O'Dea (Yale University) Labor Supply and the Pension Contribution-Benefit Link Wednesday, 18 November,
3:00 p.m.Dominik Sachs (LMU) The Indirect Fiscal Benefits of Low-Skilled Immigration Wednesday, 25 November,
3:00 p.m.Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (PSE) Reading Twitter in the Newsroom: How Social Media Affects Traditional-Media Reporting of Conflicts Wednesday, 2 December,
3:00 p.m.Aline Bütikofer (NHH) School Selectivity, Peers, and Mental Health Wednesday, 9 December,
3:00 p.m.Loukas Karabarbounis (University of Minnesota) Reparations and Persistent Racial Wealth Gaps FSS 2020
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, 4 March,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
1-2-3Christian Dustmann (UCL) „The Impact of Immigration: Fact, Fiction and Perception“ Wednesday, 11 March,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room Strassburg
Gregor Jarosch
(Princeton University)CANCELLED
„Granular Search, Market Structure, and Wages“Wednesday, 18 March,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room HKHJohannes Spinnewijn
„The Social Determinants of Choice Quality: Evidence from Health Insurance in the Netherlands“Wednesday, 25 March
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgTBA Wednesday,
1 April,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgPeter Haan CANCELLED Wednesday,
22 April,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgErkan Gören
(University of Oldenburg)CANCELLED Wednesday,
29 April,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room STrassburgGhazala Azmat
(Sciences Po, Paris)CANCELLED Wednesday,
6 May,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgRasmus Lentz
(University of Wisconsin)CANCELLED
13 May,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgMartin Halla
(University of Linz)„Health of Elderly Parents and their Children's Labor Supply“ Wednesday,
20 May,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgMatthew Harding
(UCL – Irvine)CANCELLED Wednesday,
27 May,
12:00 pmZEW
room StrassburgHKHInes Helm
(University of Stockholm)The dynamic response of municipal budgets to revenue shocks Wednesday,
3 June,
14:00 pmJoel Slemrod
(University of Michigan)„The role of government has changed overnight. But will it last?“ HWS 2019
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, 4 September,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
StrassburgSimon Jäger (MIT) “Labor in the Boardroom” Wednesday, 11 September ,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room Strassburg
No Seminar, Annual Ma Tax Conference at ZEW Wednesday, 18 September,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgGabrielle Fack (Paris School of Economics) „The effects of Affirmative Action on Targeted and Non-Targeted Students: Evidence from Low-Income Priorities in Paris High School“ Wednesday, 25 September
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgCANCELLED
Rasmus Lentz (University of Wisconsin-Madison)Wednesday,
2 October,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgErik Hornung (University of Cologne) „Roman Transport Network Connectivity and Economic Integration“ Wednesday,
9 October,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room HKHMatthias Parey (University of Surrey) “Tasks and Technology: The Labor Market Effects of Innovation” Wednesday,
16 October,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgJarkko Harju (VATT Institute for Economic Research in Helsinki) „Using Payroll Tax Variation to Unpack the Black Box of Firm-Level Production“ Wednesday,
23 October,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgBenjamin Schoefer (University of California, Berkeley) " Marginal Jobs and Job Surplus: A Test of the Efficiency of Separations“, coauthored with Simon Jaeger and Josef Zweimueller
30 October,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgNezih Guner (CEMFI) „Demographic Transitions Across Time and Space“ Wednesday,
6 November,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgNoam Yuchtman (LSE) “Persistent Political Engagement: Social Interactions and the Dynamics of Protest Movements”, joint work with Leo Bursztyn, Davide Cantoni, David Yang, and Jane Zhang. Wednesday,
13 November,
12:00 pmZEW
room StrassburgAxel Börsch-Supan (MEA, University of Munich) „Individual and Population Ageing: The Merits of SHAREing an International Perspective“ Wednesday,
20 November,
12:00 pmZEW
room StrassburgLingwei Wu (University of Bonn) „The Economic Motives of Foot-binding“ (with Xinyu Fan) Wednesday,
27 November,
12:00 pmZEW
room StrassburgPaolo Surico (London Business School) „Employment and the collateral channel of monetray policy“ Wednesday,
4 December,
12:00 pmZEW
room StrassburgAndrea Weber (CEU, Budapest) „Job Ladders and Wage Inequality“ (with Andreas Kostol and Jan Nimczik) FSS 2019
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, 6 March,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room 2Georg Graetz (Uppsala University)
„Individual Consequences of Occupational Decline“
Wednesday, 13 March,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room Luxemburg
Suphanit Piyapromdee (UCL)
„The Anatomy of Sorting: Evidence from Denmark“
Wednesday, 20 March,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgYann Bramoullé (Aix-Marseille University)
„Promotion through Connections: Favors or Information?“
Wednesday, 27 March
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room BrüsselJoachim Voth (University of Zurich)
„Understanding Extremism: The Origins and Spread of Nazi Ideology“ Wednesday, 03 April,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgXavier Jaravel (LSE) „What are the Price Effects of Trade? Evidence from the U.S. and Implications for Quantitative Trade Models“ Wednesday, 10 April,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgNico Pestel (IZA) „Minority Salience and Political Extremism“
Wednesday, 08 May,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgMark Colas (University of Oregon) „Dynamic Responses to Immigration“ Wednesday, 15 May,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgJan Stuhler (Carlos III Madrid) „Kinship Correlations and Intergenerational Mobility“ Wednesday, 22 May,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgAdeline Delavande (University of Essex) „The Benefits of Knowledge: Mortality and Sexual Behaviour“ Wednesday, 29 May,
12:00 p.m.ZEW
room StrassburgVictoria Prowse (Purdue University) „Optimal Social Assistance and Unemployment Insurance in a Life-Cycle Model of Family Labor Supply and Savings“ HWS 2018
Date/ Time Location Name Title Friday, 21 September,
10:00 p.m.ZEW, Room Brussels
Joint AEE/
ZEW Seminar
Christian Moser (Columbia Business School, NY)Optimal Paternalistic Savings Policies
Wednesday, 26 September,
12:00 P044 Joint AEE/
CRC TR 224 Seminar
Uwe Thümmel (University of Zurich)Optimal Taxation of Robots
Wednesday, 3 October
National Holiday
Wednesday, 10 October,
12:00 P044 Olmo Silva (London School of Economics)
School Choice during a Period of Radical School Reform. Evidence from the Academy Programme
Wednesday, 17 October,
12:00 P044
Joint AEE/
CRC TR 224 Seminar
Karen Kopecky (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)Old, frail, and uninsured: Accounting for features of the U.S. long-term care insurance market
Wednesday, 24 October,
12:00 P044
Efi Adamopoulou
(University of Mannheim)The long run labour market effects of credit supply shocks
(joint work withMarta De Philippis, Enrico Sette and Eliana Viviano)
Wednesday, 31 October,
room P044
Eytan Sheshinski (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Socially desirable Limits on Individual Choice
Wednesday, 7 November,
12:00 P044 Alexandra Spitz-Oener (Humboldt University Berlin) Refugee-Specific Government Aid and
Child Refugees’ Economic Success Later in LifeWednesday, 14 November,
12:00 P044 Thomas Le Barbanchon (Bocconi University) Voter Bias and Women in Politics
(joint work with Julien Sauvagnat)
Wednesday 21 November,
12:00 P044
Kurt Schmidheiny (University of Basel)
The Elasticity of Taxable Wealth: Evidence from Switzerland
(joint work with Marius Brülhart, Jonathan Gruber and Matthias Krapf)
FSS 2018
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, 21 February,
12:00 p.m. CANCELED!room P043
Joint AEE/
Department Seminar
Ariel Burstein (UCLA)„Tradability and the Labor Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence for the U.S.“
Wednesday, 21 March,
12:00 P043
Pia Pinger
(University of Bonn)„Socio-Economic Status and Inequalities in Children's IQ, Economic Preferences and Educational Transitions.“
Wednesday, 28 March
Easter Break
Wednesday, 04 April
Easter Break
Wednesday, 18 April,
12:00 p.m. CANCELED!room P043
Sarah Turner
(University of Virginia)t.b.a. Wednesday, 25 April,
12:00 P043
Joint AEE/
CRC TR224 Seminar Kjell Salvanes
(NHH Norwegian School of Economics)„Breaking the Links: Natural Resource Booms and Intergenerational Mobility“
Wednesday 9 May,
12:00 P043
Joint AEE/
CRC TR224 Seminar Cheti Nicoletti
(University of York)„Do parental time investments react to changes in
child's skills and health?“(joint work with Valentina Tonei)
Wednesday 16 May, 12:00 p.m.
room P043 Rajesh Ramachandran (Goethe University of Frankfurt)
„Linguistic diversity, official language choice and nation building: theory and evidence“
(joint work with David D. Laitin)
Wednesday 23 May, 12:00 p.m.
room P043
Steven Stillman
(Free University of Bozen -Bolzano)„Can Political Parties Change People’s Perceptions and Ideology?“
Wednesday 30 May, 12:00 p.m.
room P043 Joint AEE/
CRC TR224 Seminar Ulf Zölitz
(University of Zurich)„The Impact of Peer Personality on Academic Achievement“
Wednesday 6 June, 12:00 p.m.
room P043 Barbara Petrongolo
(Queen Mary University of London)"Economic incentives, home production and gender identity norms“
(joint work with Andrea Ichino, Martin Olsson and Peter Skogman Thoursie)
Wednesday 20 June, 12:00 p.m. room P043 Adrien Bouguen (UC Berkeley) „Heterogeneous Preschool Impact and Close Substitutes: Evidence from an Early Childcare Program in Cambodia“
(joint work with Jan Berkes)
HWS 2017
Date/ Time Location Name Title Wednesday, 21 February,
12:00 p.m. CANCELED!room P043
Joint AEE/
Department Seminar
Ariel Burstein (UCLA)„Tradability and the Labor Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence for the U.S.“
Wednesday, 21 March,
12:00 P043
Pia Pinger
(University of Bonn)„Socio-Economic Status and Inequalities in Children's IQ, Economic Preferences and Educational Transitions.“
Wednesday, 28 March
Easter Break
Wednesday, 04 April
Easter Break
Wednesday, 18 April,
12:00 p.m. CANCELED!room P043
Sarah Turner
(University of Virginia)t.b.a. Wednesday, 25 April,
12:00 P043
Joint AEE/
CRC TR224 Seminar Kjell Salvanes
(NHH Norwegian School of Economics)„Breaking the Links: Natural Resource Booms and Intergenerational Mobility“
Wednesday 9 May,
12:00 P043
Joint AEE/
CRC TR224 Seminar Cheti Nicoletti
(University of York)„Do parental time investments react to changes in
child's skills and health?“(joint work with Valentina Tonei)
Wednesday 16 May, 12:00 p.m.
room P043 Rajesh Ramachandran (Goethe University of Frankfurt)
„Linguistic diversity, official language choice and nation building: theory and evidence“
(joint work with David D. Laitin)
Wednesday 23 May, 12:00 p.m.
room P043
Steven Stillman
(Free University of Bozen -Bolzano)„Can Political Parties Change People’s Perceptions and Ideology?“
Wednesday 30 May, 12:00 p.m.
room P043 Joint AEE/
CRC TR224 Seminar Ulf Zölitz
(University of Zurich)„The Impact of Peer Personality on Academic Achievement“
Wednesday 6 June, 12:00 p.m.
room P043 Barbara Petrongolo
(Queen Mary University of London)"Economic incentives, home production and gender identity norms“
(joint work with Andrea Ichino, Martin Olsson and Peter Skogman Thoursie)
Wednesday 20 June, 12:00 p.m. room P043 Adrien Bouguen (UC Berkeley) „Heterogeneous Preschool Impact and Close Substitutes: Evidence from an Early Childcare Program in Cambodia“
(joint work with Jan Berkes)