
Welcome to the Service Pages Provided by the Dean’s Office

This website features a number of hyperlinks to other websites. While there is an English version of many of these sites, some of them are only available in German.

Click here to view the departmental calendar

Click here to view the second page of services for staff members (mailing lists, advising according to §13 of the bachelor’s examination regulations, schedules, etc.)


- Departmental phone directory (02/2024): Word  PDF
– Phone directory of CDSE doctoral students (06/2024)
Phone directory – President's Office and Administrative departments
Phone directory – lecture halls
– Holiday request form: Word  PDF
Business Travel Authorization Form and Business Travel Expense Report
– Template (Word format) for nameplates
Access Request Form (“Antrag auf Zugangsberechtigung”) for the Economics building and respective floors
– Supporting document for the workshop on international publishing
– Information on supervising final theses written externally
– Dealing with lost items

- Instruction manual for the phone (PDF):
      Optiset E memory
      optiPoint 500 economy
      optiPoint 500 basic
      optiPoint 500 standard
      optiPoint 500 advance

- Instructions for the technical equipment in lecture halls
– Photos of the technical equipment available in the university’s lecture halls

- Request for Permission to Print a Dissertation (in printed form): Word  PDF
– Request for Permission to Print a Dissertation (in digital form): Word  PDF
How to publish your dissertation on MADOC


- online sick note

- Upcoming lecture periods
Degree plan for the bachelor's program in Economics (for students who started their studies in 2016 or later)
– Information from the Student Services office (examination dates etc.)
– Website of the university's administrative departments
– The Welcome Center

- Online versions of the Bulletin of the President’s Office

- Human Resources Department, HR forms
Financing forms for Division IV – Finance and Procurement
– Procurement forms for Division IV – Finance and Procurement
Reporting problems in the Economics building

- typo3-System: user manuals, contact persons, request accout or web page access
– request slot for professional portrait shooting
request for new or change of existing telephone number
technical facilities in lecture halls
Research data center of the University of Mannheim
– Information on the library’s Scanning Service
Slide master with departmental logo (German and English)
Corporate manual, slide masters, E-mail-signatures etc.
– Order individualized stationery etc.

- Coronavirus-Information

- Upcoming meetings of the University Supervisory Board, the Senate and committees

- Regulations on Teaching Workloads (LVVO)
Constitution of the University of Mannheim (2019)
– Directive for Student Parents
Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG)
– Go to the Legal Division's website for other laws, regulations, statutes, etc.
Latest updates from the Landesamt für Besoldung und Versorgung (LBV)

- Online German-English Dictionary of the University of Mannheim
English textbook for staff of university administrative departments by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
(The University of Mannheim’s online dictionary takes precedence over the DAAD’s textbook)
LEO English-German online dictionary
IATE – the EU’s multilingual online dictionary

- Information on retention periods for documents
Information on data protection in secretary’s offices

- Educational development courses in Baden-Württemberg
– The 2019 ranking of economics departments by the Handelsblatt:
Information on the CHE University Ranking
The CHE Research Ranking
The CHE University Ranking

- This week’s menu in the Mensa
Heller's – a vegetarian restaurant in the city center

- National phone directory
National zip code search
Information on the German spelling reform
The Deutsche Bahn
Frankfurt am Main airport
Route planner (
Currency exchange rates