Made in Mannheim – FIT for Career
Integrating International Degree-Seeking Students into the German Job Market
The internationalization of the University of Mannheim has progressed considerably over the past few years, leading to a continuous increase in international degree-seeking students.
The university strives to provide international degree-seeking students with the same opportunities as their fellow German students. In addition to offering them tailor-made support and advice throughout their studies, it is vital that the university also equips them with the essential skills that are required to be competitive on the German labor market.
As opposed to their fellow German students, international students often find entering the German labor market more challenging. Not only do they have to deal with cultural differences regarding application procedures and documents, they can also face language barriers.
Made in Mannheim – FIT for Career (formerly Step by Step) aims to facilitate the integration of international graduates into the (German) labor market. The project seeks to increase career opportunities for these students and strengthen their intention to stay in Germany. In cooperation with committed partners from within the university and from other institutions such as the City of Mannheim, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) Rhein-Neckar and the Federal Employment Agency in Mannheim, the University of Mannheim provides advisory services and workshops that are tailored to the needs of international students.
The project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and was successfully launched at the start of the fall semester 2015.
More information for students can be found here.