Our Areas of Excellence
Editorships for Academic Journals
- B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics: Volker Nocke (Associate Editor since 2006)
- Constitutional Political Economy: Roland Vaubel (Member of the Editorial Board)
- Econometric Reviews: Christoph Rothe (Associate Editor)
- Econometrics and Statistics: Carsten Trenkler (Associate Editor)
- Economic Inquiry: Bernhard Ganglmair (Associate Editor since 2014)
- Economic Policy: Volker Nocke (Editorial Panel Member since 2010), Michelle Sovinsky (Editorial Panel Member since 2014)
- Economics: The E-Journal: Ulrich Wagner (Co-editor, 2016–2022)
- Empirical Economics: Markus Frölich (Associate Editor since 2009)
- European Economic Review: Eckhard Janeba (Associate Editor since 2011)
- European Journal of Political Economy: Hans Peter Grüner (Member of the Editorial Board)
- Information Economics and Policy: Martin Peitz (Associate Editor since 2004)
- International Economics: Harald Fadinger (Member of the Editorial Board)
- International Journal of Industrial Organization: Michelle Sovinsky (Co-editor since 2015), Bernhard Ganglmair, Nicolas Schutz (Associate Editors since 2022)
- International Tax and Public Finance: Eckhard Janeba (Co-editor 2010–2013, Associate Editor 2004–2010 and since 2013)
- Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook: Jochen Streb (Member of the Editorial Board)
- Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (JBES): Markus Frölich, Christoph Rothe (Associate Editors)
- Journal of Competition Law and Economics: Martin Peitz (Associate Editor)
- Journal of Development Economics: Michèle Tertilt (Associate Editor)
- Journal of Econometrics: Christoph Rothe (Associate Editor)
- Journal of Economic History: Jochen Streb (Member of the Editorial Board)
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management: Ulrich Wagner (Member of the Editorial Board)
- Journal of Industrial Economics: Volker Nocke (Co-editor since 2008)
- Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade: Michelle Sovinsky (Member of the Advisory Board since 2022)
- Journal of Media Economics: Martin Peitz (Member of the Editorial Board since 2009)
- Journal of Monetary Economics: Klaus Adam (Associate Editor)
- Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: Ulrich Wagner (Co-editor, 2015–2022)
- Journal of the European Economic Association: Michèle Tertilt (Associate Editor 2010–2011)
- Labour Economics: Markus Frölich (Co-editor since 2009)
- Labour Economics – Special Issue: Labour Markets in Developing Countries: Markus Frölich (Editor 2010)
- Macroeconomic Dynamics: Michèle Tertilt (Associate Editor, 2010)
- Review of International Organizations: Roland Vaubel (Associate Editor, 2006–2018)
- Telecommunications Policy: Martin Peitz (Member of the Editorial Board since 2009)
- The Review of Economic Studies: Christoph Rothe (Member of the Editorial Board), Michèle Tertilt (Member of the Editorial Board since 2011, Joint Managing Editor 2013–2017, Member of the Board of Directors since 2021)
Awards and Notable Positions in Scientific Organizations
- Academies of Sciences and Humanities:
- Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Michèle Tertilt (Member)
- Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Klaus Adam, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Members)
- acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering: Achim Wambach (Member)
- Association for Competition Economics (ACE): Konrad Stahl (Member of the Executive Committee)
- Beirat der Walter Raymond Stiftung: Hans Peter Grüner (Member)
- BREAD: Michèle Tertilt (Fellow since 2020, Affiliate 2004–2020)
- Bundeskartellamt – Working Group on Competition Economics: Martin Peitz (Member)
- Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD): Michèle Tertilt (Affiliate)
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford: Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Resident Fellow)
- Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR): Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz (Members of the Competition Policy section); Klaus Adam, Harald Fadinger, Hans Peter Grüner, Moritz Kuhn, Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz, Nicolas Schutz, Michelle Sovinsky, Konrad Stahl, Michèle Tertilt, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Research Fellows); Arthur Seibold (Research Affiliate)
- Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) – Competition Policy section: Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz (Members)
- CESifo: Eckhard Janeba, Moritz Kuhn, Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz, Konrad Stahl, Michèle Tertilt (Research Fellows), Arthur Seibold (Research Affiliate)
- Competition Law and Economics European Network: Bernhard Ganglmair (Member of the steering group since 2021)
- College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research: Friedhelm Pfeiffer (Member)
- Deutsche Bundesbank: Klaus Adam, Michèle Tertilt (Research Professors)
- Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award: Arthur Seibold (2019)
- Econometric Society: Volker Nocke (Fellow), Michèle Tertilt (Fellow and elected member of the European Regional Standing Committee)
- Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy (EAGCP): Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz, Michelle Sovinsky (Members)
- Economics Network for Competition and Regulation (ENCORE): Michelle Sovinsky (Research Fellow)
- Environmental and Resource Economics, Erik Kempe Award 2015: Ulrich Wagner
- ESF College of Expert Reviewers: Friedhelm Pfeiffer (Member 2019–2022)
- European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE): Volker Nolke (Scientific Program Director 2017), Michelle Sovinsky (Scientific Program Director 2015 and Member of the Executive Committee)
- European Commission, Directorate – General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN): Hans Peter Grüner (Research Fellow)
- European Corporate Governance Institute: Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Fellow)
- European Development Research Network: Michèle Tertilt (Member)
- European Economic Association: Antonio Ciccone, Volker Nocke, Michèle Tertilt (2013–2017) (Council Members)
- European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE): Achim Wambach (Chairman 2007–2008)
- European Research Council (ERC):
- Christoph Rothe, Michelle Sovinsky, Ulrich Wagner (Consolidator Grants)
- Klaus Adam, Volker Nocke, Sebastian Siegloch, Michèle Tertilt (Starting Grants)
- Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development: Paul Gans (Member)
- Florence School of Regulation, Communication & Media: Martin Peitz (Scientific Committee Member)
- Fondation Banque de France: Klaus Adam (Scientific and Evaluation Committee Member)
- German Economic Association: Achim Wambach (Chairman 2017–2018)
- German Economic Association: Member of Ausschuss:
- Außenwirtschaftstheorie und -politik: Harald Fadinger
- Bildungsökonomischer Ausschuss: Friedhelm Pfeiffer
- Finanzwissenschaftlicher Ausschuss: Eckhard Janeba, Arthur Seibold, Eberhard Wille
- Geldtheorie und Geldpolitik: Klaus Adam (Chairman)
- Gesundheitsökonomischer Ausschuss: Achim Wambach
- Industrieökonomischer Ausschuss: Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz, Nicolas Schutz, Michelle Sovinsky, Konrad Stahl, Achim Wambach
- Makroökonomik: Michèle Tertilt
- Ökonometrie: Carsten Trenkler
- Theoretischer Ausschuss: Hans Peter Grüner, Konrad Stahl, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, Thomas Tröger
- Umweltökonomischer Ausschuss: Ulrich Wagner
- Ausschuss für Unternehmenstheorie: Achim Wambach
- Wirtschaftspolitischer Ausschuss: Roland Vaubel, Achim Wambach
- Wirtschaftshistorischer Ausschuss: Jochen Streb
- German Economic Association – Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award 2013: Michèle Tertilt
- Institute for Employment Research (IAB): Moritz Kuhn (Scientific Advisory Council: Vice Chairman), Carsten Trenkler (Research Professor)
- Institute of Labour Economics (IZA): Markus Frölich, Moritz Kuhn, Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Christoph Rothe, Michèle Tertilt (Research Fellows)
- Lamfalussy Fellowship of the European Central Bank 2019: Matthias Meier
- Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development: Paul Gans (Scientific Advisory Board: Vice Chairman)
- Leibniz-Prize 2019: Michèle Tertilt
- Leopoldina – German National Academy of Sciences: Michèle Tertilt (Member)
- The Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK): Tom Krebs (Senior Research Fellow since 2021)
- National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER): Michèle Tertilt (Faculty Research Fellow, 2007–2013)
- NBER Study Group “Gender and the Economy”: Michèle Tertilt (Member of the Advisory Board, 2019–2021)
- Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation: Eckhard Janeba (International Research Fellow)
- Real-World Laboratory – Asylum Seekers: Friedhelm Pfeiffer (Member of the Board of Directors 2016–2019)
- Schmölders-Prize 2018: Jochen Streb
- Schmölders-Prize 2023: Arthur Seibold
- Scientific Euro Area Business Cycle Network: Klaus Adam (Scientific Vice Chair)
- Scientific Commission of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities: Jochen Streb (Member)
- Structural Transformation and Economic Growth (STEG): Michèle Tertilt (Member of the Advisory Board, since 2021)
- Université de Toulouse: Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Member of the Scientific Board for the Initiative d’Excellence)
- University of Chicago: Michelle Sovinsky, Michèle Tertilt (Research Members Family Inequality Group), Friedhelm Pfeiffer (Research Member Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Group)
- University of St. Gallen: Markus Frölich ([Permanent] Visiting Professor)
- Yrjö Jahnsson Award 2017: Michèle Tertilt
- ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research: Achim Wambach (President)
- Academies of Sciences and Humanities:
Policy Advising, Consulting, and Public Services
- Commission of Experts on Competition Law 4.0 of the German Federal Government: Achim Wambach (Co-Chairman 2018–2019)
- European Central Bank: Hans Peter Grüner (Consultant 2005–2006 and 2008–2009 )
- European Investment Bank: Ulrich Wagner (Consultant 2017–18)
- European Systemic Risk Board – Advisory Scientific Committee: Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Member)
- Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) – Academic Advisory Board: Eckhard Janeba (Chairman since 2023, Vice Chairman 2012–2014), Roland Vaubel (Member), Achim Wambach (Chair 2012–2015), Eberhard Wille (Member)
- Federal Ministry of Finance – Academic Advisory Board: Klaus Adam (Member)
- German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank): Hans Peter Grüner (Consultant 2004–2005)
- German Federal Insurance Office – Scientific Advisory Board for the Further Development of the Risk Structure Compensation Scheme: Achim Wambach (Member 2017–2018)
- German Monopolies Commission (Monopolkommission): Achim Wambach (Chair 2016, Member 2014)
- German National Platform for Electric Mobility – Steering Committee: Achim Wambach (Member 2015–2018)
- German Stability Council (Stabilitätsrat von Bund und Ländern) – Advisory Board: Eckhard Janeba (Chair 2013–2018)
- International Monetary Fund: Matthias Meier (Consultant 2020–2021)
- Bildungsbeirat, City of Mannheim: Friedhelm Pfeiffer (Member 2010–2017)
- Sachverständigenrat für die Begutachtung der Entwicklung im Gesundheitswesen: Eberhard Wille (Vice Chairman)
- UK Competition Commission – Academic Panel: Volker Nocke (Member since 2007)
Participation in Research Centers and German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programs
- Transregional Collaborative Research Center 224 „Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges: Equality of Opportunity, Market Regulation, and Financial Stability“: Klaus Adam, Antonio Ciccone, Harald Fadinger, Bernhard Ganglmair, Laura Grigolon, Andreas Gulyas, Anne Hannusch, Lei Li, Matthias Meier, Volker Nocke (Spokesperson), Martin Peitz, Nicolas Schutz, Arthur Seibold, Michelle Sovinsky, Konrad Stahl, Michèle Tertilt, Thomas Tröger, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, Ulrich Wagner, Han Ye, Minchul Yum
- German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program 1859 “Experiences and Expectations: Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour”: Jochen Streb (Coordinator)
- German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program 1578 “Financial Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Performance”: Tom Krebs (Coordinator)
- European Network for Training in Economic Research (ENTER): Nicolas Schutz (Mannheim Coordinator and Member of the Executive Committee)