Course Catalogs
The links lead to the course details in Portal2. First you will see the schedule and by clicking on the “Contents” tab you will receive further course information.
All courses marked with **/***/*** are suitable for German students in their second/
Course Catalog B.Sc. Economics Spring Term 2025
Introductory Phase
The links to the exercises will be added as soon as possible.
Finanzwissenschaft (Vorlesung / Übungen)
Grundlagen der Ökonometrie (Vorlesung / Übungen)
Makroökonomik A (Vorlesung / Übungen)
Macroeconomics A (Lecture / Exercises)
Mikroökonomik A (Vorlesungen / Übungen)
Microeconomics A (Lecture / Exercises)
Statistik I (Vorlesung / Übungen)
Advanced Phase Lectures
Analysis B**/****
Analysis C****
Behavioral Economics**/****
Economic Growth****
Household Consumption and Finances
Impact Evaluation (mandatory course registration from 13 January to 6 February 2025)
Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis
Markets, Contracts, and Communication****
Special Topics in International Finance
Statistics and Stata (mandatory course registration from 13 January to 6 February 2025)
Time Series and Forecasting (TSF)
Von Adam Smith bis Reinhard Selten. Eine Einführung in die Ideen- und Theoriegeschichte der Ökonomik**/**** (Vorlesung / Übung) CANCELLED!
Advances Phase Seminars
Drogenmärkte aus wirtschaftshistorischer Perspektive**/****
Environmental Regulation of Firms: Empirical Evidence
Experimental and Behavioral Economics of Redistribution
Humankapital, Innovationen und technologischer Wandel**/****
Introduction to predictive analytics and machine learning
Makroökonomische Analyse der Hartz-Reformen****
Recent Empirical Evidence on the Causes of (Under-)Development
The Political Economics of Climate Change
Topics in Financial Economics****
Topics in Information Economics****
Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar für BSc Studierende
Please note that there is a single week to register for seminars in the Bachelor program (2 – 8 December 2024). Changing or cancelling seminar registrations is only possible in the week after the registration period. Please find further details on the following web page:
Additional Courses