
Master of Science Economics

From program, tuition and financial aid resources to what you can expect from campus life, our website for "Prospective Students (M.Sc.)" points you to information about essential elements of the graduate experience at the University of Mannheim.

Important dates and events

  • Spring 2024: lecture period: 12 February – 31 May | first examination period: 3 – 15 June | second examination period: 24 – 31 August
  • MCPF: 15 Feb, 17:15, S031 | Dr. Gerhard Klumpe (Presiding Judge at the District Court Dortmund): The Evolution of Cartel Damages Law
  • MCPF: 22 Feb, 17:15, S031 | Alena Kozakova (E.CA London): CMA Study on Vertical Mergers
  • MCPF: 7 March, ZEW – room Brussels | Benedikt Herz (DG Competition, European Commission): Recent Tech Mergers at the European Commission
  • MaCCI Career Day: 13 March, Arkadentheater (Ehrenhof, Schlosskirche)
  • MCPF: 11 April, 17:15, S031 | Marcel Balz (Bundeskartellamt): Topics on Competition
  • Mannheimer Europagespräche: 12 April, 15:30, Aula | Dr. Katarina Barley MdEP (Vizepräsidentin des EU-Parlaments), Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert (Bundestagspräsident a.D.), Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kainer (Universität Mannheim)
  • MCPF: 25 April, 17:15, S031 | Niccolo Ciulli (EuroCommerce): Regulating the Agri-food supply chain
  • Mannheimer Europagespräche: 26 April, 15:30, Aula | Prof. Dr. Koen Lenaerts (Präsident des Europäischen Gerichtshofs), Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth (Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts), Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kainer (Universität Mannheim)
  • Lets talk Economics: 6 May, 18:00, SN169 | Prof. Ralph Ossa (Chief Economist WTO): Re-Globalisierung: Ein neuer Ansatz für eine resiliente Weltwirtschaft
  • MCPF: 23 May, 17:15, S031 | Benoît Durand (RBB Economics): Defining the relevant market: Comments on the new EC Notice

Information for first-year students

We want you to have a smooth start and make the most of your time at the University of Mannheim. From enrollment and residence permit to course schedule and examination regulations – on our website for "First-Year Students" you can find helpful information about your first semester.

Course catalog

From behavioral economics to international trade. Choose from a broad range of courses that are relevant in a professional and academic environment.

Eine aufgeklappte Weltkarte liegt auf einem Holztisch. Eine Hand hält die Karte fest.
Exchange opportunities

Thinking about going abroad? More information on our exchange programs and related topics can be found in the International section of the website.

Program in detail

Analyst, consultant, researcher – you can tailor the program according to your interests and career goals.

University library and other facilities

We strive to provide the best possible learning environment for you. In addition to the modern workplaces in the libraries the University offers a number of services and facilities that will help get the most out of your studies.

Program regulations

We know that getting started in a new study program can be very challenging. In our "Study guide" section we have summarized the most important regulations of our M.Sc. Economics.

Mentoring Program

Which job is the right one for me? What kind of firms and organizations are suitable for me? How can I plan the best transition into the working world? 

The ABSOLVENTUM mentoring program brings together students (mentees) and experienced mentors from the community. In addition to developing professional, personal, and social skills of the mentees, the mentors also assist their protégés with questions concerning their studies, careers, and life plans. Further information can be found on the website of ABSOLVENTUM.

Frequently asked questions

You want further information? In our "FAQ"section you can find a selection of the most frequently asked questions about the program, the university, and life in Mannheim. In case you're looking for more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact the program manager.

Contact Information

Sebastian Herdtweck

Sebastian Herdtweck (he/him)

Program Manager and Exchange Coordinator M.Sc. Economics
University of Mannheim
Department of Economics
L 7, 3–5 – Room 405
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Personal consultation hours: Mon and Tue, 10:00 – 12:00
Telephone availability: Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 17:00 (landline only Mon and Tue). There are no callbacks from the mobile number.