A student with blond curls and a green top is standing in front of a bookshelf. He is reading an open book.

The Competition and Regulation Economics Track in a Nutshell

  • Two years, full time master’s program (M.Sc.)
  • Fully taught in English, international student body
  • Top staff members in the fields of competition policy and regulation economics
  • High-quality, structured program with specialized modules in Industrial Organization theory and empirics, Competition Law, and an interdisciplinary seminar on Competition Economics and Law; large number of elective modules
  • Close collaboration with leading competition and regulation practioneers, including the Mannheim Competition Policy Forum (MCPF) at the Mannheim Centre For Competition and Innovation (MaCCI)
  • Various opportunities for internships, field trips, and other forms of collaboration with our partners, including CRA, CompassLexecon, E.CA Economics, Frontier Economics, German Monopolies Commission, Keystone Strategy, Nera, NetzeBW, Positive Competition, and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW).
  • Excellent career opportunities, especially in organizations, governmental institutions, and companies where specialized knowledge in the field of competition and regulation economics is required or desirable (e.g. competition and regulatory authorities, companies in regulated sectors such as the energy and telecommunications sectors, and consultancies)
  • Located in the industrial heartland of Europe with major international companies on the doorstep
  • Teaching and research assistant positions available on a competitive basis.


Introductory PhaseExamination (min)ECTS credits
Advanced Microeconomics
Advanced Macroeconomics
Advanced Econometrics
Specialization Phase – Compulsory Courses  
Industrial Organization – Markets and Strategies
Empirical Industrial Organization
Competition Law
Interdisciplinary Competition and Regulation Seminar
Specialization Phase – Elective Courses  
Specialized courses including 1–3 seminars
optional including an internship
 29 – 35
Research Phase  
Master’s thesis (4 months)
possibly including a thesis colloquium
Total 120–126