In the current rankings conducted by the Centre for Higher Education (CHE), the Department of Economics has been extremely successful for the third time in a row after 2017 and 2020: With 9 first placements in the 20 ranked criteria, it is not surpassed by any other public university in Germany. Although it shares this place with another university, the Mannheim department is also represented in the top group in 17 of the 20 criteria, compared to 16 placements of the competitor. It stands out in both research and teaching, especially in the categories General Study Situation, Study Organisation, Support in Studies, Examination Organisation, Library Equipment, Premises, Teaching Offer, Digital Teaching Elements and Research Reputation.
In the anonymous student surveys carried out alongside the CHE rankings, an overwhelming majority of students expressed high satisfaction with various aspects of their studies. According to the CHE, 95.7% of students rated the opportunities for individual specialisation in their studies as good or very good, 97.9% appreciated the support and advice in preparing for study abroad, 96.8% were satisfied with the condition and technical equipment of the lecture halls, 95.9% praised the quality of study organization, and 95.6% of students rated access to courses (no waiting times for places) as good or very good.
The CHE ranking is the most comprehensive and detailed ranking in the German-speaking area. Every year, one third of the subjects are re-examined. In addition to facts about study, teaching, equipment and research, the ranking includes students' judgments on the study conditions at their university and professors' judgments on the research reputation of the faculties. The results are available on the Internet at and can also be read in the current print edition of the ZEIT Study Guide.