- Support for Renewable Energy: The Case of Wind Power (mit R. Germeshausen und S. Heim). August 2021
- Can Social Comparisons and Moral Appeals Increase Public Transport Ridership and Decrease Car Use? (with Johannes Gessner and Wolfgang Habla). CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper No. 451. July 2023.
- Urban Air Quality and Sick Leaves: Evidence From Social Security Data (mit Felix Holub und Laura Hospido). Neue Version: August 2021.
- The Effect of Climate Policy on Productivity and Cost Pass-Through in the German Manufacturing Sector (mit Beat Hintermann, Maja Zarkovic und Corrado Di Maria). Dezember 2020.
- Carbon Footprints of European Manufacturing Jobs: Stylized Facts and Implications for Climate Policy (mit D. Kassem, A. Gerster, J. Jaraite, M. Klemetsen, M. Laukkanen, J. Leisner, R. Martin, J. Munch, M. Muûls, A. Nielsen, L. de Preux, K. Rosendahl und S. Schusser). Dezember 2020.
Weitere Downloads auf SSRN
Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften
- Does Pricing Carbon Mitigate Climate Change? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
Colmer, J., M. Muûls, R. Martin, and U.J. Wagner (2023). Conditionally accepted at Review of Economic Studies - Response of the Ozone-related Health Burden in Europe to Changes in Local Anthropogenic Emissions of Ozone Precursors
Gu, Y., D.K. Henze, M.O. Nawaz, and U.J. Wagner (2023). Environmental Research Letters. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad0167 - Management Practices and Climate Policy in China
S.K. Yong, U.J. Wagner, P. Shen, L. de Preux, M. Muûls, R. Martin, and J. Cao (2023). Conditionally accepted at Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - Sources of PM2.5-Associated Health Risks in Europe and Corresponding Emission-Induced Changes During 2005–2015.
Gu, Y., D.K. Henze, M.O. Nawaz, H. Cao, and U.J. Wagner (2023). GeoHealth, 7 (3) - Strategic Uncertainty, Indeterminacy, and the Formation of International Environmental Agreements. Oxford Economic Papers, 2017, with D. Narita. [WP download]
- Estimating Strategic Models of International Treaty Formation. Review of Economic Studies, 2016.
- The Impact of the EU Emissions Trading System on Regulated Firms: What is the Evidence after Ten Years? Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2016, with R. Martin and M. Muûls. [WP download]
- The Impact of a Carbon Tax on Manufacturing: Evidence from Microdata. Journal of Public Economics, 2014, with R. Martin and L. de Preux.
- On the Empirical Content of Carbon Leakage Criteria in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. Ecological Economics, 2014, with R. Martin, M. Muûls and L. de Preux.
- Industry Compensation Under Relocation Risk: A Firm-level Analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. American Economic Review, 2014, with R. Martin, M. Muûls and L. de Preux.
- Anatomy of a Paradox: Management Practices, Organizational Structure and Energy Efficiency. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2012, with R. Martin, M. Muûls and L. de Preux.
- Energy Use Patterns in German Industry: Evidence from Plant-level Data. Petrick, S., K. Rehdanz and U.J. Wagner (2011). Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 231(3): 379–414.
- Agglomeration Effects in Foreign Direct Investment and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2009, with C. Timmins. [WP download]
- The Voluntary Provision of a Pure Public Good? Another Look at CFC Emissions and the Montreal Protocol. Oxford Economic Papers, 2009. [WP download]
- The Design of Stable International Environmental Agreements: Economic Theory and Political Economy. Journal of Economic Surveys, 2001. [WP download]
- Does Pricing Carbon Mitigate Climate Change? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
Kapitel in Sammelbänden
- Trading Behavior in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. In: Gronwald, M. and Hintermann, B. (eds.), Emissions Trading Systems as a Policy Instrument: Evaluation and Prospects, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2015, mit Ralf Martin und Mirabelle Muûls. [WP download]
- Interactions between Selected Energy Use and Production Characteristics of German Manufacturing Plants. In: Moshfegh, B. (ed.), World Renewable Energy Congress – Sweden, 8–13 May, 2011: 867–874. Linköping, Sweden, 2011, mit Sebastian Petrick und Katrin Rehdanz. [download]
Aktuelle Projekte
- ERC Consolidator Grant
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Laufzeit: August 2020-Juli 2025
Postdoktoranden: Yixuan Gu - SFB Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 „Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges: Equality of Opportunity, Market Regulation, and Financial Stability – EPoS“
Projekt B07: Policies for Sustainability, Evaluating Environmental Performance and Regulation of Enterprises in Europe
Laufzeit: Januar 2018 – Dezember 2025.
Postdoktorandinnen: Dana Kassem, Harim Kim (2018–2021)
- ERC Consolidator Grant
Abgeschlossene Projekte
- SFB 884 „Political Economy of Reforms“
Projekt B 10: Empirical analysis of the economics of lobbying in European policy reforms
Laufzeit: Januar 2018 – Juni 2022.
Postdoktoranden: Dimitri Szerman, Wolfgang Habla (2018) - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) „Ökonomie des Klimawandels“
Verbundprojekt: Die Ökonomie internationaler Klimapolitik COMPLIANCE
Laufzeit: September 2018 – Februar 2022.
Postdoktorand: Vincenzo Mollisi - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) „Ökonomie des Klimawandels“
Verbundprojekt: Evaluierung von Politikmaßnahmen für die Transformation zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Wirtschaft: Kausale Wirkungsanalysen mit administrativen Mikrodaten – TRACE
Laufzeit: Januar 2019 – Juni 2022.
Postdoktoranden: Robert Germeshausen, Kinga Tchorzewska, Andreas Gerster, (2019–20), Stephen Jarvis (2020–21)
- SFB 884 „Political Economy of Reforms“