
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Grüner

    Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Grüner

    Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Grüner

    Lehr­stuhl für VWL, Wirtschafts­politik
    Universität Mannheim
    Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
    Lehr­stuhl für VWL, Wirtschafts­politik
    L 7, 3–5
    68161 Mannheim
    nach Vereinbarung (, 0049 621 181–1885)

    Short CV / Kurzlebens­lauf

    Short CV


    Hans Peter Grüner studied economics and mathematics at Heidelberg University (Diplom-Volkswirt, 1990). He was a student in the European Doctoral Programme in Quantitative Economics at Bonn University and at DELTA/Paris. 1994 Docteur de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (dissertation on „Central Bank Credibility and Labor Markets in Europe“).

    He has worked as an Assistant at Konstanz and Bonn University. In 1999 he completed his post-doctoral Habilitation entitled „The Economics of Distributive Politics“ at Bonn University. Since 1999 he is a Professor of Economics at the University Mannheim. Hans Peter Grüner's research focuses on the design of political and economic institutions. His main fields of interests are the political economy of reforms, mechanism design, (European) economic and monetary policy, capital market theory, labor market reform and the theory of income and wealth distribution.

    Grüner has been a consultant to several companies and institutions including the Union Bank of Switzerland, BMW, the European Commission and the European Central Bank. He also advised the German Federal Parliament and the Federal Foreign Office on issues related to policy reforms and European integration. From 2006 to 2022 he has been an adjunct professor at the Hertie School of Governance Berlin. He was awarded fellow­ships from EU-Commission, the European Central Bank and from DAAD. He is a Research Fellow of CEPR, London, a member of the Economic Society and Verein für Socialpolitik, and a member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Political Economy. Academic visits to the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Oxford University, University of Pennsylvania, London Business School, the Toyota Center at the LSE, University College London, and the Hebrew University Jerusalem.



    Hans Peter Grüner studierte Volkswirtschafts­lehre und Mathematik an der Universität Heidelberg (Diplom Volkswirt 1990) und wurde 1994 an der Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris mit einer Arbeit über die Glaubwürdigkeit von Zentralbanken und die Lohnsetzung in Europa promoviert. 1999 Habilitation an der Universität Bonn mit einer Arbeit über (Um-)Verteilungs­politik (insbesondere Vermögensverteilung). Seit 1999 Professor für Volkswirtschafts­lehre, Wirtschafts­politik an der Universität Mannheim. Seine Forschung befasst sich mit Fragen der Europapolitik, der Geld-, Verteilungs- und Fiskalpolitik, wirtschafts­politischen Reformen und dem Design wirtschaft­licher und politischer Institutionen.

    Hans Peter Grüner war Dekan, Prodekan und Studien­dekan der Fakultät für Rechts­wissenschaft und Volkswirtschafts­lehre, und wurde dreimal in den Senat der Universität Mannheim gewählt. Er ist Research Fellow des Centre for Economic Policy Research in London.

    Grüner beriet unter anderem die Europäische Zentralbank, die Europäische Kommission, die Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) und die BMW AG (zu Fragen der Reformpolitik, der Geldpolitik, der Europäischen Institutionen und zum Design von Auktionen), und er erstellte Expertisen zu Fragen der europäischen Integration (Bankenunion/ Reformpolitik/ Next Generation EU) für das Auswärtige Amt und den Europa­ausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags. Von 2006 bis 2022 war er Adjunct Professor an der Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.

    Presseartikel und Interviews zur Finanz- und Eurokrise sind hier zu finden.


    Current affiliations

    • Professor of Economics, University of Mannheim.
    • Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London.

    University administration

    • 2019–2020 Dean, School of Law and Economics, University of Mannheim.
    • 2019–2020 Chairman of the Department of Economics, University of Mannheim.
    • Since 2019 Member of the board of trustees of the Foundation of the University of Mannheim.
    • Since 2019 Member of the academic senate, University of Mannheim.
    • 2018–2019 Member of the academic senate, University of Mannheim.
    • 2010–2014 Member of the academic senate, University of Mannheim.
    • 2010–2011 Board member, German Economic Association.
    • 2010 Board member, DFG special research unit 884.
    • 2008–2010 Steering committee member for the preparation of DFG special research unit 884.
    • 2007–2008 Chairman of the Department of Economics, University of Mannheim.
    • 2007–2008 Vice Dean, Faculty of Law and Economics.
    • 2006–2007 Dean of Studies (Studien­dekan), Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Mannheim.
    • 2004–2005 Program Director Economics, CDSEM graduate school, University of Mannheim.  
    • 2003–2007 Executive board member, European Network for Training in Economic Research.
    • 2002–2003 Dean of Studies (Studien­dekan), Faculty of Economics, University of Mannheim.

    Externally funded projects/ external research or consultancy projects/ advisory positions

    Committee on issues related to the European Union, German Bundestag June 2022 Expert Expert opinion on Next Generation EU and EU Funding
    Members of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag Since March 2022 Scientific advisor Scientific advice and preparation of an expert opinion (2. Nachtragshaushalt 2021)
    Foundation of the University of Mannheim Since 2020 Member of the advisory board  
    Soxan Rot Foundation 2018 Economic advisor on an M&A trans­action  
    DG ECFIN, EU Commission 9/2016 – 5/2017 Research Fellow Project: The political economy of European integration revisited
    European Central Bank 2015 Independent Contractor Research Division, project on financial integration and financial stability
    European Central Bank 2013 Wim Duisenberg Research Fellow Project on fiscal stability
    Committee on issues related to the European Union, German Bundestag 2013 Expert Expert opinion on the European Banking Union
    DG ECFIN, EU Commission 9/2012 – 05/2013 Research Fellow Project on fiscal consolidation and structural reforms
    Walter Raymond Stiftung 2010 – Member of the advisory council  
    Universität Mannheim, SFB 884 „The political economy of reforms“ (financed by German Research Foundation, DFG) 2010 – 2022 Principal Investigator Projects A1 “Individual support for political reforms” (2010–2014, with Axel Börsch Supan) --- A2 “The role of information in reform processes” (2010–2017) --- A7 „Experimental analysis of Bayesian voting mechanisms, procedural choices and the acceptance of trans­fers“
    Augusta Vermögensverwaltung 2009 – Member of the advisory council  
    Denkwerk Zukunft, Bonn 2009 – 2013 Member “Denkkreis Funktions­fähigkeit der Gesellschaft”
    European Central Bank 2008 – 2009 Consultant Fiscal Policies Division, project on fiscal policies during financial crises
    BMW AG 12/2008 Consultant Auction design
    European Central Bank 2005 – 2006 Consultant, Research Division Project on financial integration and financial stability
    Deutsche Bundes­bank 2004 – 2005 Research project Project on financial integration and financial stability
    European Central Bank 2002 – 2003 Visiting Expert Project on central bank communication and decision making
    Mannheim University 1999 – 2005 Member of the interdisciplinary research group on international negotiation systems Research sponsored by German Research Foundation (DFG)
    Union Bank of Switzerland 1997 Consultant Group Economic Research


    American Economic Review Social Choice and Welfare
    Review of Economic Studies Journal of Fiscal Intermediation
    American Political Science Review Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
    Journal of Economic Theory Public Choice
    International Economic Review European Journal of Political Economy
    Journal of the European Economic Association Journal of Economics
    European Economic Review Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozial­wissenschaften
    Journal of Public Economics Empirical Economics
    Journal of Public Economic Theory Finanz­archiv
    Economic Journal German Economic Review
    Berkeley Economics Konjunkturpolitik
    Scandinavian Journal of Economics Political Studies
    Economic Letters Research on Economic Inequality
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control The Manchester School
    Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization  


    Deutsche Forschungs­gemeinschaft German-Israeli Foundation
    Schweizerischer Nationalfonds Israel Science Foundation
    Swiss Society for Financial Market Research Leibnitz Gemeinschaft

    Member of selection committees of

    • various annual meetings of Verein für Socialpolitik (2011 chairman of the selection committee)
    • many Silvaplana Workshops on Political Economy,
    • the Econometric Society European Meetings (Madrid, 2004).
    • the European Economic Association Meetings (Milan, 2008).
    • the European Economic Association Meetings (Barcelona, 2009).
    • the European Economic Association Meetings (Glasgow, 2010).
    • the European Central Bank’s Lamfalussy Fellow­ships (2010).
    • the Gustav Stolper Prize (2010, 2011, 2012).
  • Daniel Linnenbrink

    Daniel Florian Linnenbrink

    Daniel Florian Linnenbrink

    CDSE Student
    Universität Mannheim
    Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
    L7, 3–5 – Raum 202
    68161 Mannheim
  • Lukas Mahler

    Lukas Mahler

    Lukas Mahler

    CDSE Student
    Universität Mannheim
    Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
    L 7, 3–5 – Raum 204
    68161 Mannheim
    Tel.: +49 621 181-1887
    Fax: +49 621 181-1884
  • Max Riegel

    Max Riegel

    Max Riegel

    CDSE Student
    Universität Mannheim
    L7, 3–5 – Raum 203
    68161 Mannheim
  • Henrik Sauer

    Henrik Sauer

    Henrik Sauer

    CDSE Student
    Universität Mannheim
    Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
    L7, 3–5 – Raum 203
    68161 Mannheim
  • Florian Frühhaber

    Florian Frühhaber

    Florian Frühhaber

    Universität Mannheim
    Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
    L7, 3–5 – Raum 201
    68161 Mannheim
  • Niels Grannec

    Niels Grannec

    Niels Grannec

    Universität Mannheim
    Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
    L7, 3–5 – Raum 201
    68161 Mannheim
  • Malte Richert

    Malte Richert

    Malte Richert

    Universität Mannheim
    Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
    L7, 3–5 – Raum 201
    68161 Mannheim
  • Former Ph.D. Students and Postdocs

    Dr. Linnéa Rohde

    • Dissertation: Essays on Individual and Collective Decision Making
    • Now: Economic Analyst, NERA Economic Consulting

    Marco Reuter

    • Now: PhD Student, University of Mannheim and ZEW Mannheim

    Carl-Christian Groh

    • Now: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Microeconomics, University of Bonn.

    Frederik Traut

    Dr. Fabian Greimel

    • Dissertation „Essays on the macroeconomics of housing markets“ in 2020.
    • Now: Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam.

    Charles Louis-Sidois, Ph.D.

    • Now: Assistant Professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business

    Inken Töwe

    • Now: PhD Student, University of Mannheim
    • Now: Economist, Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein

    Lukas Neuhauser

    • Now: Data Scientist at Telenor Sweden.

    Dr. Tobias Etzel

    • Dissertation „Essays in local public finance and political economy“ in 2018.
    • Now: Economist at Deutsche Bundes­bank, Germany.

    Dr. Johannes Bubeck

    • Dissertation „Essays on Monetary Policy, Investors and Elections“ in 2018.
    • Published parts of his dissertation in the American Political Science Review and the Journal of International Money and Finance.
    • Now: Economist at Deutsche Bundes­bank, Germany.

    Dr. Marcel Preuß

    • Dissertation „Essays in Microeconomics“ in 2018.
    • Now: Assistant Professor of Economics, SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

    Dr. Daniel Müller

    • Doctoral and Postdoctoral researcher in 2010–2016.
    • Published parts of his dissertation in the European Economic Review and in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
    • Now: Assistant Professor, University of Munich.

    Sander Renes, Ph.D., LL.M.

    • Postdoctoral researcher in 2014–2016.
    • Now: Assistant Professor, Technical University of Delft.

    Dr. Felix Jarman

    • Dissertation „Essays in Collective Decision Making“ in 2016.
    • Published part of his dissertation in the Journal of Economic Theory.
    • Now: Economist at the Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany.

    Dr. Christoph Siemroth

    • Dissertation „On information aggregation in financial markets“ in 2015.
    • Published part of his dissertation in Games and Economic Behavior and the Journal of the European Economic Association.
    • 2016 Doctoral Dissertation Award, Karin-Islinger-Foundation.
    • 2015 Unicredit Econ Job Market Best Paper Award.
    • Now: Senior Lecturer, University of Essex.

    Prof. Dr. Philipp Zahn

    • Dissertation „Essays in Empirical Public Economics“ in 2012.
    • Published part of his dissertation in Games and Economic Behavior and in the European Journal of Political Economy.
    • Now: Co-Founder von 20squares, Research Director bei Metagov und Co-Founder von CyberCat Institute.

    Dr. Jana Friedrichsen

    • Dissertation „Social Motivations in Markets and the Public Sphere“ in 2013.
    • Published part of his dissertation in the European Journal of Political Economy.
    • 2014 Doctoral Dissertation Award, Karin-Islinger-Foundation.
    • Now: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.

    Prof. Dr. Zohal Hessami

    • Postdoctoral researcher in 2012.
    • Now: Professor, Faculty of Social Science, Ruhr-University Bochum.

    Prof. Pierre Boyer, Ph.D.

    • Postdoctoral researcher in 2010–2012.
    • Juniorprofessor Universität Mannheim, Department of Economics, in 2012–2015.
    • Now: Professor CREST-Department of Economics, École Polytechnique, Paris.

    Dr. Christina Kolerus

    • Dissertation „On Governments, Markets and Public Finance“ in 2012.
    • Now: International Monetary Fund, Washington.

    Dr. Evguenia Winschel

    • Dissertation „Essays on Coalition Formation“ in 2007.
    • Now: Postdoctoral researcher, Universität Mannheim.

    Dr. Kerstin Gerling

    Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schulte

    • Dissertation „Information Aggregation in Organizations“ in 2006.
    • Published part of her dissertation in the Journal of Economic Theory.
    • 2007 Doctoral Dissertation Award, Karin-Islinger-Foundation.
    • Now: Professor of Economics, University of Marburg.

    Dr. Thomas Gall

    • Dissertation „Aggregate Consequences of Market Imperfections“ in 2004.
    • Published part of his dissertation in Economic Theory, the Journal of the European Economic Association and the International Economic Review.
    • First employment as a Postdoc at Bonn Universtiy.
    • Now: Lecturer at the University of Southampton.

    Dr. Mike Felgenhauer

    • Dissertation „Essays on Efficiancy and Private Information“ in 2003.
    • Published part of his dissertation in Journal of Public Economic Theory and Public Choice.
    • Now: Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Economics, School of Management (Plymouth Business School).

    Dr. Alexandra Kiel

    • Dissertation „Decision Making in the European Union: Externalities and Incomplete Information“ in 2003.
    • Published part of her dissertation in the European Economic Review.
    • Now working for the EU Commission.
  • Sekretariat

    Astrid Reich

    Astrid Reich

    Sekretariat Lehr­stuhl für VWL, Wirtschafts­politik
    Universität Mannheim
    Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
    L7, 3–5 – Raum 207
    68161 Mannheim
    Mo–Fr 9:15–13 Uhr

Bild: v. l. n. r.: 1. Julian Beekmann, 2.+5. Alexander Münch, 3., 4.+6. Katrin Glückler