Mannheim Laboratory for Experimental Economics

The Mannheim Laboratory for Experimental Economics (mLab) is a research group dedicated to fostering our understanding of human decision making in various situations of relevance to economics. Theoretical as well as empirical methods, in particular experiments, aid us in achieving this goal. We conduct decision-making experiments both online and in person in our laboratory.
Earn money playing games
Credit: Anna LogueOur experiments are not about vague tasks or hypothetical questions. The decisions of our subjects have real consequences – because real money is at stake! (No worries though: WE pay YOU, not the other way around!) Join us, contribute to our research, register with us – and earn some Euros on the side! For a typical 1h-experiment – which is a fun experience anyway – we pay on average 10–15 Euros for your participation. Registering does not commit you to anything – all that happens is that you will receive invitations from us by email to participate in particular studies. You are completely free to accept such invitations or to ignore them. You can also ask us to remove you from our list at any time.
How to find us
Experimental economics is a relatively young branch of empirical economic research but has already grown into a well-established method that is employed world-wide to test economic theories, to discover fundamental patterns in behavior and to develop incentive mechanisms that serve the common good. Economists conduct experiments for the same reason as physicists or chemists: To examine something very thoroughly under controlled and clean laboratory conditions. The only difference is that the object of investigation is not a subatomic particle or a chemical substance but human decision making. We are therefore constantly looking for paid volunteers as participants in our experiments.