- Market Investigations – A New Competition Tool for Europe? (co-edited with Massimo Motta and Heike Schweitzer), Cambridge University Press (2022).
- The Economics of Platforms: Concepts and Strategy (with Paul Belleflamme), Cambridge University Press (hardcover, paperback and ebook 2021).
- Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies (with Paul Belleflamme), second edition, Cambridge University Press, xxv + 799 pages (hardcover, paperback and ebook 2015, Greek translation 2016, Spanish translation 2021 with Editorial Universidad del Rosario).
- The Analysis of Competition Policy and Sectoral Regulation (co-edited with Yossi Spiegel), World Scientific Publisher (2014).
- The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy (co-edited with Joel Waldfogel), Oxford University Press (2012).
- Der Ausbau neuer Netze in der Telekommunikation – institutionelle, ökonomische und juristische Betrachtungen (with Roman Inderst, Jürgen Kühling and Karl-Heinz Neumann), Nomos Verlag, 326 pages (2012).
- Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies (with Paul Belleflamme), Cambridge University Press, xxi + 702 pages (hardcover and paperback 2010, South Asian edition 2011).
- Industrial Organization and the Digital Economy (co-edited with Gerhard Illing), MIT Press (2006).
- Regulation and Entry into Telecommunications Markets (with Paul de Bijl), Cambridge University Press, xiv + 272 pages (hardcover 2002, 2nd printing 2003, 3rd printing 2004, electronic book 2004, Chinese translation 2006, paperback 2008).
Journal Articles
- “Geopolitical Risks and Prudential Merger Control” (with Massimo Motta and Volker Nocke), accepted for publication in Journal of European Competition Law & Practice.
- “Denial of Interoperability and Future First-Party Entry” (with Massimo Motta), accepted for publication in International Journal of Industrial Organization.
- “Inflated Recommendations” (with Anton Sobolev), accepted for publication in Rand Journal of Economics.
- “Network Goods, Price Discrimination, and Two-Sided Platforms” (with Paul Belleflamme), accepted for publication Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.
- “Reparatur am Markt: Die Sektoruntersuchung nach der 11. GWB-Novelle” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 25, 20–27 (2024).
- “The Digital Markets Act and the Whack-A-Mole Challenge” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), Common Market Law Review 61, 299–344 (2024).
- “Digital Attention Intermediaries,” Seoul Journal of Economics 37, 1–36 (2024).
- “How to Apply the Self-Preferencing Prohibition in the DMA,” Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 14, 310–315 (2023).
- “The Law and Economics of AI Liability” (with Miriam Buiten and Alexandre de Streel), Computer Law & Security Review 48, 105794 (2023).
- “Market Power of Digital Platforms” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), Oxford Review of Economic Policy 39, 34–46 (2023).
- “Ad Clutter, Time Use, and Media Diversity” (with Simon Anderson), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 15, 227–270 (2023).
- “Learning from Electricity Markets: How to Design a Resilience Strategy“ (with Natalia Fabra and Massimo Motta), Energy Policy 168, 113116 (2022).
- “Collusion Between Non-Differentiated Two-Sided Platforms” (with Lily Samkharadze), Economics Letters 215, 110506 (2022).
- “Student Performance and Loss Aversion” (with Dirk Engelmann and Heiko Karle), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 124, 420–456 (2022).
- “The Tension Between Market Shares and Profit Under Platform Competition” (with Paul Belleflamme and Eric Toulemonde), International Journal of Industrial Organization 81, 102807 (2022).
- “Market Definition in the Platform Economy” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (CYELS) 23, 91–127 (2021).
- “Digital Platforms and the New 19a Tool in the German Competition Act” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 12, 513–528 (2021).
- “Big Tech Mergers” (with Massimo Motta), Information Economics and Policy 54, 100868 (2021).
- “Removal of Potential Competitors – A Blind Spot of Merger Policy?” (with Massimo Motta), Competition Law and Policy Debate 6, 19–25 (2020).
- “Which Role for State Aid and Merger Control During and After the Covid Crisis?” (with Chiara Fumagalli and Massimo Motta), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 11, 294–301 (2020).
- “Rethinking Liability Rules for Online Hosting Platforms” (with Miriam Buiten and Alexandre de Streel), International Journal of Law and Information Technology 28, 139–166 (2020).
- “Cartel Effects and Component Makers’ Rights to Damages” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), World Competition 43, 209–240 (2020).
- “Distorted Input Ratios in Vertical Relationships” (with Dongsoo Shin), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 122, 1480-1509 (2020).
- “Segmentation versus Agglomeration: Competition between Platforms with Competitive Sellers” (with Heiko Karle and Markus Reisinger), Journal of Political Economy 128, 2329-2374 (2020). [short video]
- “Media See-saws: Winners and Losers in Platform Markets” (with Simon Anderson), Journal of Economic Theory 186, 104990 (2020).
- “Price Disclosure by Two-Sided Platforms” (with Paul Belleflamme), International Journal of Industrial Organization 67, 102529 (2019).
- “Platform Competition: Who Benefits from Multihoming?” (with Paul Belleflamme), International Journal of Industrial Organization 64, 1–26 (2019).
- “Managing Competition on a Platform” (with Paul Belleflamme), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 28, 5–22 (2019).
- “You are Judged by the Company you Keep: Reputation Leverage in Vertically Related Markets” (with Jay Pil Choi), International Journal of Industrial Organization 61, 351–379 (2018).
- “Suppliers as Forgotten Cartel Victims” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), New York University Journal of Law & Business 15(1), 17–59 (2018).
- “A Fresh Look at Zero Rating” (with Jan Krämer), Telecommunications Policy 42, 501–513 (2018).
- “De-targeting: Advertising an Assortment of Products to Loss-Averse Consumers” (with Heiko Karle), European Economic Review 95, 103–124 (2017).
- “Experimentation in Two-Sided Markets” (with Sven Rady and Piers Trepper), Journal of the European Economic Association 15, 128–172 (2017).
- “Kollaboratives Wirtschaften oder Turbokapitalismus? Zur Ökonomie der Sharing-Economy” (with Ulrich Schwalbe), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 17, 232–252 (2016).
- “Information Disclosure and Consumer Awareness” (with Sanxi Li and Xiaojian Zhao), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 108, 209–230 (2016).
- “Net Neutrality: A Fast Lane to Understanding the Trade-offs” (with Shane Greenstein and Tommaso Valletti), Journal of Economic Perspectives 30, 127–149 (2016).
- “Net Neutrality and Inflation of Traffic” (with Florian Schuett), International Journal of Industrial Organization 46, 16–62 (2016). Media coverage in: Nature
- “Reassessing Competition Concerns in Electronic Communications Markets” (with Tommaso Valletti), Telecommunications Policy 39, 896–912 (2015).
- “The Economics of Crowdfunding Platforms” (with Paul Belleflamme and Nessrine Omrani), Information Economics and Policy 33, 11–28 (2015).
- “Firm Reputation and Incentives to “Milk” Pending Patents” (with Johannes Koenen), International Journal of Industrial Organization 43, 18–29 (2015).
- “Loss Aversion and Consumption Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence” (with Heiko Karle and Georg Kirchsteiger), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 7, 101–120 (2015).
- “Indirect Taxation in Vertical Oligopoly” (with Markus Reisinger), Journal of Industrial Economics 62, 709–755 (2014).
- “Vertically Differentiated Duopoly with Unaware Consumers” (with Sanxi Li and Xiaojian Zhao), Mathematical Social Sciences 70, 59–67 (2014).
- “Competition under Consumer Loss Aversion” (with Heiko Karle), Rand Journal of Economics 45, 1–31 (2014).
- “Investment under Uncertainty and Regulation of New Access Networks” (with Roman Inderst), Information Economics and Policy 26, 28–41 (2014).
- “Asymmetric Information and Overinvestment in Quality” (with Paul Belleflamme), European Economic Review 66, 127–143 (2014).
- “Innovation and Waste in Supply Chain Management” (with Dongsoo Shin), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 86, 191–199 (2013).
- “Upstream Market Power and Wasteful Retailers” (with Dongsoo Shin), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115, 234–253 (2013).
- “Informing Consumers about their own Preferences” (with Roman Inderst), International Journal of Industrial Organization 30, 417–428 (2012).
- “Media Market Concentration, Advertising Levels, and Ad Prices” (with Simon Anderson, Oystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind), International Journal of Industrial Organization 30(conference volume), 321–325 (2012).
- “Network Investment, Access and Competition” (with Roman Inderst), Telecommunications Policy 36, 407–418 (2012).
- “Market Asymmetries and Investments in Next Generation Access Networks” (with Roman Inderst), Review of Network Economics 11(1), 1–25 (2012).
- “The Impact of Different Fibre Access Network Techonologies on Cost, Competition and Welfare” (with Steffen Hoernig, Stephan Jay, Karl-Heinz Neumann, Thomas Plückebaum, and Ingo Vogelsang), Telecommunications Policy 36, 96–112 (2012).
- “Advance-Purchase Discounts as a Price Discrimination Device” (with Volker Nocke and Frank Rosar), Journal of Economic Theory 146, 141–162 (2011).
- “Regulatory Legacy, VoIP Adoption and Investment Incentives” (with Paul de Bijl), Telecommunications Policy 34, 596–605 (2010).
- “Platform Competition and Seller Investment Incentives” (with Paul Belleflamme), European Economic Review 54, 1059-1076 (2010).
- “With a Little Help from my Enemy: Comparative Advertising as a Signal of Quality” (with Francesca Barigozzi and Paolo Garella), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 18, 1071-1094 (2009).
- “Access Regulation and the Adoption of VoIP” (with Paul de Bijl), Journal of Regulatory Economics 35, 111–134 (2009).
- “Umbrella Branding and External Certification” (with Hendrik Hakenes), European Economic Review 53, 186–196 (2009).
- “Innovation, Convergence and the Role of Regulation in the Netherlands and Beyond” (with Paul de Bijl), Telecommunications Policy 32, 744–754 (2008).
- “Advertising and Content in Media: Pay-TV versus Free-to-Air” (with Tommaso Valletti), International Journal of Industrial Organization 26, 949–965 (2008).
- “Umbrella Branding and the Provision of Quality” (with Hendrik Hakenes), International Journal of Industrial Organization 26, 546–556 (2008).
- “Bundling May Blockade Entry,” International Journal of Industrial Organization 26, 41–58 (2008).
- “Platform Ownership” (with Volker Nocke and Konrad Stahl), Journal of the European Economic Association 5, 1130-1160 (2007). [web appendix]
- “A Theory of Clearance Sales” (with Volker Nocke), Economic Journal 117, 964–990 (2007).
- “Alliances between Competitors and Consumer Information” (with Paolo Garella), Journal of the European Economic Association 5, 823–845 (2007).
- “Observable Reputation Trading” (with Hendrik Hakenes), International Economic Review 48, 693–730 (2007).
- “Piracy of Digital Products: A Critical Review of the Theoretical Literature” (with Patrick Waelbroeck), Information Economics and Policy 18, 449–476 (2006).
- “Why the Music Industry May Gain from Free Downloading – the Role of Sampling” (with Patrick Waelbroeck), International Journal of Industrial Organization 24, 907–913 (2006).
- “Can DRM Create New Markets?” (with Anne Duchene and Patrick Waelbroeck), Communications and Strategies 62, 197–207 (2006).
- “Marktplätze und indirekte Netzwerkeffekte,” Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 7, 317–333 (2006).
- “Asymmetric Regulation of Access and Price Discrimination in Telecommunications,” Journal of Regulatory Economics 28, 327–343 (2005).
- “Local Loop Unbundling in Europe: Experience, Prospects and Policy Challenges” (with Paul de Bijl), Communications and Strategies 57, 33–57 (2005).
- “An Economist’s Guide to Digital Music” (with Patrick Waelbroeck), CESifo Economic Studies 51, 359–428 (2005).
- “Asymmetric Access Price Regulation in Telecommunications Markets,” European Economic Review 49, 341–358 (2005).
- “The Effect of Internet Piracy on CD Sales – Cross Section Evidence” (with Patrick Waelbroeck), Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues 1, 71–79 (2004).
- “Dynamic Regulation and Competition in Telecommunications Markets: A Policy Framework” (with Paul de Bijl), Information Economics and Policy 16, 411–437 (2004).
- “A Strategic Approach to Software Protection: Comment,” Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 13, 371–374 (2004).
- “On Access Pricing in Telecoms: Theory and European Practice,” Telecommunications Policy 27, 729–740 (2003).
- “Hyperbolic Discounting and Secondary Markets” (with Volker Nocke), Games and Economic Behavior 44, 77–97 (2003).
- “Price Competition in Address Models of Product Differentiation: Unit-Elastic Demand,” Economic Theory 20, 849–860 (2002).
- “New Competition in Telecommunications Markets: Regulatory Pricing Principles” (with Paul de Bijl), Ifo Studien (now CESifo Economic Studies) 48, 27–52 (2002).
- “Competing Head-to-Head or Selling to a Fringe,” Manchester School 70 (Special Issue on Industrial Organization), 134–149 (2002).
- “The Pro-Competitive Effect of Higher Entry Costs,” International Journal of Industrial Organization 20, 353–364 (2002).
- “Intermediation Can Replace Certification” (with Paolo Garella), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 9, 1–24 (2000).
- “Aggregation in a Model of Price Competition,” Journal of Economic Theory 90, 1–38 (2000).
- “Equilibrium Uniqueness in Oligopoly Games with Strategic Complements,” Economics Letters 65, 347–351 (1999).
- “The Circular Road Revisited: Uniqueness and Supermodularity,” Research in Economics/
Ricerche Economiche 53, 405–420 (1999). - “A Difficulty with the Address Models of Product Differentiation,” Economic Theory 14, 717–727 (1999).
- “The Differentiation Triangle” (with Marcel Canoy), Journal of Industrial Economics 45, 305–328 (1997).
- “Models à la Lancaster and à la Hotelling: When They Are the Same,” Economics Letters 54, 147–154 (1997).
- “Differentiated Bertrand Duopoly with Variable Demand,” Research in Economics/
Ricerche Economiche 51, 85–100 (1997). - “Utility Maximization in Models of Discrete Choice,” Economics Letters 49, 91–94 (1995).
Articles in Books
- “Market Investigations in the EU: A Road Map” (with Massimo Motta and Heike Schweitzer), in: M. Motta, M. Peitz, and H. Schweitzer (eds.) Market Investigations: A New Competition Tool for Europe? Cambridge University Press (2022), 1–15.
- “Intervention Triggers and Underlying Theories of Harm” (with Massimo Motta), in: M. Motta, M. Peitz, and H. Schweitzer (eds.) Market Investigations: A New Competition Tool for Europe? Cambridge University Press (2022), 16–89.
- “Ratings, Reviews and Recommendations” (with Paul Belleflamme), in: Trilce Navarrete and Ruth Towse (eds.), Handbook of Cultural Economics, 3rd edition, Edward Elgar (2020).
- “Inside the Engine Room of Digital Platforms: Reviews, Ratings and Recommendations” (with Paul Belleflamme), in: J. J. Ganuza and G. Llobet (eds.), Economic Analysis of the Digital Revolution, Funcas Social and Economic Studies nº 4, Funcas (2018).
- “Platforms and Network Effects” (with Paul Belleflamme), in: L. Corchon and M. Marini (eds.), Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, vol. II, Edward Elgar (2018), 286–317.
- “The Economics of Internet Media” (with Markus Reisinger), in: S. Anderson, D. Stromberg and J. Waldfogel (eds.), Handbook of Media Economics, vol. 1A, North Holland (2016), pages 445–530.
- “Digital Piracy” (with Paul Belleflamme), in: J.G. Backhaus (ed.) Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer Science+Business Media (2014).
- “The Economics of Pending Patents” (with Johannes Koenen), in: J. Harrington and Y. Katsoulacos (eds.), Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition and Regulation, Edward Elgar (2012), pages 49–73.
- “Digital Piracy: Theory” (with Paul Belleflamme), in: M. Peitz and J. Waldfogel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Digial Economy, Oxford University Press (2012), pages 489–530.
- “Comparative Advertising and Competition Policy” (with Francesca Barigozzi), in: J. P. Choi (ed.), Recent Trends in Antitrust: Theory and Evidence, MIT Press (2006), pages 215–263.
- “Local Loop Unbundling: One-Way Access and Imperfect Competition” (with Paul de Bijl), in: R. Dewenter and J. Haucap (eds.), Access Pricing: Theory and Practice, Elsevier Science (2006), pages 91–117.
- “Digital Music” (with Patrick Waelbroeck), in: Illing, G. and M. Peitz (eds.), Industrial Organization and the Digital Economy, MIT Press (2006), pages 71–144. [revised version of “An Economist‘s Guide to Digital Music” (with Patrick Waelbroeck), published in CESifo Economic Studies].
- “New Competition in Telecommunications Markets: Regulatory Pricing Principles” (with Paul de Bijl), in: Illing, G. and U. Klüh (eds.) Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press (2004), pages 45–72. [minor revision of article in Ifo Studien 48, 27–52 (2002)].
- “On Price Competition with Heterogeneous Consumers”, in: Debreu, G., Neuefeind, W. and W. Trockel (eds.), Economics Essays – A Festschrift in Honor of Werner Hildenbrand, Springer (2001), pages 295–314.
Book Reviews
- “Julian Dörr, Nils Goldschmidt und Frank Schorkopf (eds.): Share Economy: Institutionelle Grundlagen und gesellschaftspolitische Rahmenbedingungen”, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 239, 305–308 (2019).
- “Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice E. Stucke: Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils of the Algorithm-Driven Economy”, Journal of Economic Literature 55, 659–660 (2017).
- “Michele Boldrin and David Levine: Against Intellectual Monopoly”, Journal of Economics 101, 97–98 (2010).
- “Xavier Vives: Oligopoly Pricing: Old Ideas and New Tools”, Journal of Economics 73, 209–212 (2001).
- “Donald Topkis: Supermodularity and Complementarity”, Economic Journal 109, 850–852 (1999).
- “Mergers in Big Tech: Recent developments in EU and national case law”, e-Competitions Mergers in Big Tech, Art. N° 115278, 16 November 2023.
- “Market Definition and Three 19a Designations Under German Antitrust Law: Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), CPI Antitrust Chronicle, Competition Policy International, January 2023.
- “A Common Charger for Electronic Devices in the EU: Beauty or Beast?” (with Federico Innocenti), CPI Column, Competition Policy International, July 2022.
- “Introduction to Special Issue on Common Ownership and Interlocking Directorates” (with Amelia Fletcher and Florence Thépot), Journal of Competition Law and Economics 18, 1–4 (2022).
- “Reinforcing the Digital Markets Act: Merger Control and Structural Remedies” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), Concurrences 2022(1), 1–4 (2022).
- “The Prohibition of Price Parity Clauses and the Digital Markets Act”, TechREG Chronicle, Competition Policy International, January 2022.
- “Antitrust opkrikken: het nieuwe artikel 19a van de Duitse Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB)” (in Dutch, with Jens-Uwe Franck), Markt & Mededinging (M&M) 2021(4–5), 195–202 (2021). [shortened but otherwise largely identical to “Digital Platforms and the New 19a Tool in the German Competition Act” in Journal of European Competition Law & Practice]
- “Versorgungsengpässe während einer Pandemie und was dagegen getan werden kann” (with Natalia Fabra and Massimo Motta), Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 101(8), 600–603 (2021).
- “Section 19a of the Reformed German Competition Act: A (Too) Powerful Weapon to Tame Big Tech?” (with Jens-Uwe Franck), Antitrust Chronicle 3(1), Competition Policy International (2021).
- “State Aid Policies in Response to the COVID-19 Shock: Observations and Guiding Principles” (with Massimo Motta), Intereconomics 55(4), 219–222 (2020).
- “EU State Aid Policies in the Time of COVID-19” (with Massimo Motta), in: A. Bénassy-Quéré and B. Weder di Mauro (eds.), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, 73–77 (2020).
- “The EU Recovery Fund: An Opportunity for Change” (with Massimo Motta), in: A. Bénassy-Quéré and B. Weder di Mauro (eds.), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, 78–82 (2020).
- “The Competitive Impacts of Exclusivity and Price Transparency in Markets with Digital Platforms” (with Paul Belleflamme), Concurrences 2020(1), 2–7 (2020).
- “Fostering the Digital Economy in the Middle East and North Africa”, in: R. Arezki, F. Belhaj, and P. Shah (eds.), Promoting a New Economy for the Middle East and North Africa, World Bank Group, 29–33 (2019).
- “Gute europäische Champions und böse Fusionskontrolle?” (in German, with Massimo Motta), ifo Schnelldienst 8/
2019, 9–11 (2019). - “Challenges for EU Merger Control” (with Massimo Motta), Concurrences 2019(2), 44–49 (2019).
- “Introduction to the Special Issue on Platforms” (with Luis Cabral and Julian Wright), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 28, 3–4 (2019).
- “Neuer europäischer Ordnungsrahmen für Datenmärkte?“ (in German, with Heike Schweitzer), Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 71, 275–280 (2018).
- “Suchmaschinen unter der Lupe: Informationsherrschaft und ihre Schranken“ (in German, with Heike Schweitzer), Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 96, 825–829 (2016).
- “Understanding the Strategies of Crowdfunding Platforms“ (with Paul Belleflamme and Nessrine Omrani), CESifo DICE Report 14 (2), 6–10 (2016).
- “Net Neutrality Rules Will Make Winners and Losers Out of Businesses” (with Shane Greenstein and Tommaso Valletti), Harvard Business Review online 27 June (2016).
- “Die Entzauberung von Airbnb und Uber” (in German), ifo Schnelldienst 21/2014, 6–8 (2014).
- “Flexible Geschäftsmodelle in der Telekommunikation und die Netzneutralitätsdebatte” (in German, with Thomas Fetzer and Heike Schweitzer), Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 93, 695–701 (2013).
- “Die Netzneutralitätsdebatte aus ökonomischer Sicht” (in German, with Thomas Fetzer and Heike Schweitzer), Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 92, 777–783 (2012).
- “Investitionen in Next-Generation-Access-Netze: Zugangsverträge und Investitionen” (in German, with Roman Inderst, Jürgen Kühling, and Karl-Heinz Neumann), Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 91, 406–413 (2011).
- “Introduction to Special Issue on Digital Piracy” (with Joel Waldfogel), Information Economics and Policy 22, 287–288 (2010).
- “Broadband Access in Europe: Challenges for Policy and Regulation” (with Paul de Bijl), CESifo DICE Report – Journal of Institutional Comparisons 4(3), 10–15 (2006).
- “A Road Map to ‘Industrial Organization and the Digital Economy’ ” (with Gerhard Illing), in: Illing, G. and M. Peitz (eds.), Industrial Organization and the Digital Economy, MIT Press (2006), pages 1–10.
- “VOIP Challenges Regulation in Europe” (with Paul de Bijl), Telecommunications Online, Americas Issue, Mid September 2005.
- “Understanding the Digital Economy: Facts and Theory – Introduction” (with Gerhard Illing), CESifo Economic Studies 51, 187–188 (2005).
- “Introduction: Special Issue on Competition in Telecommunications” (with Tommaso Valletti and Julian Wright), Information Economics and Policy 16, 315–321 (2004).
- “Competencia y Regulación de la Interconexión en Mercados de Telecomunicación”, Economía Industrial 339, 95–103 (2001).
Workshops and Conferences
Most conferences and workshops which are organized or co-organized by Martin Peitz can be found on the MaCCI website.
Additional conferences:
Spring conference by the collaborative research centre CRC TR 224
Spring conference of the collaborative research centre CRC TR 224
Spring conference of the collaborative research centre CRC TR 224
Conference of the proposed collaborative research centre CRC TR 224
Conference of the collaborative research centre SFB TR 15
Conference of the collaborative research centre SFB TR 15
Conference: Advances in Applied Microeconomics – in Honor of Konrad Stahl
Workshop: Behavioral Models of Market Competition
Conference: CEPR Applied IO Conference