The German Research Association (DFG) will fund the Collaborative Research Center „Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges: Equality of Opportunity, Market Regulation, and Financial Stability“ comprising researchers from Bonn and Mannheim starting January 2018. In the first 4-year funding period the center will receive more than 9 million Euro. Spokesperson is Sven Rady from Bonn, deputy spokesperson and coordinator for Mannheim is Martin Peitz.
The University of Mannheim will offer a new 2-year master program, „Competition and Regulation Economics“ starting Fall 2017, coordinated by Martin Peitz.
The second edition of the book „Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies“ by Paul Belleflamme and Martin Peitz is now available in Europe (in the US from September).
Martin Peitz becomes Co-Editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization.
Martin Peitz becomes member of the economic advisory group on competition policy (EAGCP) at the European Commission.
Martin Peitz becomes Associate Editor of the Journal of Industrial Economics.
Martin Peitz joins as an Academic Director the Brussels-based think tank, Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE).
The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy edited by Joel Waldfogel and Martin Peitz has been published by Oxford University Press.
The annual meeting of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) takes place in Stockholm. Martin Peitz is chair of the scientific committee.
Martin Peitz becomes chair of the Department of Economics and dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Prof. Dr. Peitz im Handelsblatt-Volkswirte-Ranking unter den Top20 der forschungsstärksten Volkswirte im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Prof. Dr. Peitz im Handelsblatt-Volkswirte-Ranking unter den Top20 der forschungsstärksten Volkswirte im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Prof. Dr. Peitz im Handelsblatt-Volkswirte-Ranking unter den Top5 der forschungsstärksten Volkswirte unter 40 im deutschsprachigen Raum.