Political Economy of Reforms (Research Unit)
Our group contributes to the special research unit on „Political Economy of Reforms” sponsored by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. This website lists a number of papers that we contributed to this special research unit.
Overview of research output in project A2, second funding period (2013–2017)
Conditionally accepted papers and working papers listed in the 2017 funding proposal that have been published since
Bruscha Franz, Daniel Müller, and Lionel Page (2017): “Can a Common Currency Foster a Shared Social Identity across different nations? The Case of the Euro”. In: European Economic Review. Volume 100. 318–336.
Bubeck, Johannes, Maurizio Michael Habib and Simone Manganelli (2018): “The portfolio of euro area fund investors and ECB monetary policy announcements”. In: Journal of International Money and Finance. Volume 89. 103–126.
Bubeck, Johannes and Nikolay Marinov (2017): “Process or Candidate: The International Community and the Demand for Electoral Integrity.” American Political Science Review. Volume 111, Issue 3. 535–554.
Grüner, Hans Peter (2017): “Mechanisms for the control of fiscal deficits”. In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Volume 144. 133–152.
Grüner, Hans Peter and Christoph Siemroth (2019): “Crowdfunding, Efficiency, and Inequality”. In: Journal of the European Economic Association.Volume 17. 1393-1427.
Hedges J., Oliva P., Shprits E., Winschel V., Zahn P. (2017): “Higher-Order Decision Theory”. In: Rothe J. (eds) Algorithmic Decision Theory. ADT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10576. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67504-6_17.
Jarman, Felix and Vincent Meisner (2017): “Ex-post optimal knapsack procurement”. In: Journal of Economic Theory. Volume 171. 35–63.
Müller, Daniel and Sander Renes (2020): „Fairness Views and Political Preferences – Evidence from a Large and Heterogeneous Sample“. In: Social Choice and Welfare. https://rdcu.be/b9sM4.
Siemroth, Christoph (2019): “The informational content of prices when policy makers react to financial markets”. Journal of Economic Theory. Volume 179. 240–274.
Siemroth, Christoph, Philipp Zahn and Justus Inhoffen (2019): “Minimum prices and social interactions: Evidence from the German renewable energy program”. Energy Economics. Volume 78. 350–364.
Publications and conditionally accepted papers (until 2017)
Boyer, Pierre and Felix Bierbrauer (2016): “Efficiency, Welfare, and Political Competition.” In: Quarterly Journal of Economics. Volume 131(1). 461–518. (The paper has evolved from research that was begun during the first funding period (2010–2013) which is why it is included in this report)
Muller, Daniel and Lionel Page (2015): “A New Approach to Measure Tactical Voting: Evidence from the British Elections”. In: Applied Economics. Volume 47, Issue 36. 3839-3858.
Müller, Daniel and Lionel Page (2016): “Born Leaders: Political Selection and the Relative Age Effect in The US Congress”. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A. Volume 179, Issue 3. 809–829.
Muller, Daniel, Rebecca B. Morton, Lionel Page and Benno Torgler (2015): “Exit Polls, Turnout, and Bandwagon Voting: Evidence from a Natural Experiment”. In: European Economic Review. Volume 77. 65–81.
Shprits (Winschel), Evguenia, Philipp Zahn, Jules Hedges, Paulo Oliva and Victor Winschel (2015b): “Selection Equilibria of Higher-Order Games”. In: Lierler Y., Taha W. (eds) Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages. PADL 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10137. Springer, Cham.
Working papers listed in the 2013 funding proposal that have been published since
Boyer, Pierre and Felix Bierbrauer (2014): “The Pareto-Frontier in a Simple Mirrleesian Model of Income Taxation”. In: Annals of Economics and Statistics. Volume 113–114. 185–206.
Friedrichsen, Jana and Philipp Zahn (2014): “Political support in hard times: Do people care about national welfare?”. In: European Journal of Political Economy. Volume 35. 23–37. (Was part of A1).
Grüner, Hans Peter and Daniel Müller (2016): “Measuring Political Information Rents: Evidence from the European Agricultural Reform”. In: European Journal of Political Economy. Volume 43. 107–126. (was part of A1).
Zahn, Philipp, Paolo Masella and Stephan Meier (2012): “Incentives and Group Identity”. In: Games and Economic Behavior. Volume 86. 12–25.
Unpublished work from the second funding period (all available in pdf format) – very incomplete list – more follows soon ...
Grüner, Hans Peter and Thomas Tröger (2016): “Optimal voting mechanisms with costly participation and abstention”. CEPR Discussion Paper. No. 11127.
Jarman, Felix (2016): “Groups, cheap talk, and voting”, mimeo.
Jarman, Felix (2016): “In or Out – the effect of small parties winning representation in proportional representation systems. A regression discontinuity design”, mimeo.
Lehmann, Etienne, Sander Renes, Kevin Spiritus, and Floris T. Zoutmann (…): „Optimal Taxation with Multiple Incomes and Types Work in Progress – Comments welcome“. Work in Progress. No PDF available.
Renes, Sander, and Floris T. Zoutman (2016): “As easy as ABC? Multi-dimensional screening in public finance”. CESifo Working Paper Series. No. 6301.
Siemroth, Christoph (2015a): “Why prediction markets work: The role of information acquisition and endogenous weighting”.
Overview of research output in project A7, second funding period (2013–2017)
Publications and conditionally accepted papers
Gibbs, Michael, Susanne Neckermann and Christoph Siemroth (2017): “A field experiment in motivating employee ideas.” In: Review of Economics and Statistics. Volume 99, Issue 4. 577–590.
Muller, Daniel (2019): “The Anatomy of Distributional Preferences with Group Identity”. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Volume 166. 785–807.
Müller, Daniel and Sander Renes (2020): „Fairness Views and Political Preferences – Evidence from a Large and Heterogeneous Sample“. In: Social Choice and Welfare. https://rdcu.be/b9sM4.
Siemroth, Christoph and Lionel Page (2017): “An experimental analysis of information acquisition in prediction markets”. In: Games and Econ Behavior. Volume 101. 354–378.
Zahn, Philipp and Evguenia Winschel (2017): „Social Preferences, Public Policy, and Gender”. In: Joan Costa-Font and Macis, Mario (eds). Social Economics. MIT Press, CESIfo seminar series. 13–38.
Unpublished work from the second funding period (all available in pdf format)
Engelmann, Dirk, Hans Peter Grüner, Timo Hoffmann, and Alex Possajennikov (2017): “Preventing the Tyranny of the Majority – Experimental Evidence on the Choice of Voting Thresholds”, mimeo. (PDF)
Hoffmann, Timo and Sander Renes (2020): “Flip a coin or vote: An experiment on the implementation and efficiency of social choice mechanisms”. R&R in: Experimental Economics.
Preuß, Marcel (2016): “Relative Earnings and Fairness”.
Schäfer, Paul (2017): Schäfer, Paul (2017): “Can Communication Solve the Holdout Problem With Voluntary Participation”. Submitted to: Games and Economic Behavior.
State of A2 at the end of first funding period (2009–2012)
Overview of the theoretical research (A2)
Boyer, P. and F. Bierbrauer (2013). Political Competition and Mirrleesian Income Taxation: A First Pass. Journal of Public Economics 103: 1–14 (lead article).
Boyer, P. and F. Bierbrauer (2013). The Pareto-Frontier in a Simple Mirrleesian Model of Income Taxation. revise and resubmit:Annals of Economics and Statistics.
Boyer, P. (2011). La fourniture de biens publics par un gouvernement à deux niveaux (Public goods provision by a two-tier government). Revue Economique 62(3): 521–530.
Boyer, P. and J. Ponce (2011). Central Banks and Banking Supervision Reform. Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision, Edward Elgar: 158–179.
Boyer, P. and J. Ponce (2012). Regulatory Capture and Banking Supervision Reform. Journal of Financial Stability 8(3): 206–217.
Boyer, P. and J.-M. Lozachmeur (2013). Welfare Programs and Motivation Bias of Social Workers.
Boyer, P. and K. Barbosa (2012). Discrimination in Dynamic Procurement Design with Learning-by-doing. CESifo Working Paper No. 3947.
Friedrichsen, J. (2013). Platform competition by investment in network effects. This is work in progress.
Grüner, H. P. and Y. Koriyama (2012). Public Goods, Participation Constraints and Democracy: A Possibility Theorem. Games and Economic Behavior 75(1): 152–167.
Grüner, Hans Peter and Markus Brückner (2020) „Economic Growth and Political Extremism“, Public Choice, 185, 131–159. (also related to project A1).
Grüner, H. P. and D. Engelmann (2013). Tailored Bayesian Mechanisms: Experimental Evidence from Two-Stage Voting Games. CEPR working paper 9544.
Grüner, H. P. and T. Tröger (2013). Optimal Costly Voting. Work in progress.
Kolerus, C. E, (2011). Incentive or Control? Taxing Returns to Capital. Completed as part of her Dissertation.
Kolerus, C. E. (2011). Incentive or Control II: Heterogeneous Entrepreneurs. Completed as part of her Dissertation.
Winschel, E. and P. Zahn (2013). Efficiency Concern under Asymmetric Information. Working Paper Dept. of Economics University of Mannheim 13–07.
Winschel, E. (2013). Coalition Formation for Unpopular Reform in the Presence of Private Reputation Costs. Working Paper Dept. of Economics U. Mannheim 13–08.
Winschel, E. Endogenous Budget Rules and Possibility of Optimal Policy.
Zahn, P., P. Masella and S. Meier (2012). Incentives and Group Identity. IZA Discussion Paper 6815, revise and resubmit: Games and Economic Behavior.
Empirical research (this research was conducted as a part of project A1 in the first funding period)
Grüner, H.P. and M. Brückner (2012). Economic Growth and the Rise of Political Extremism in Western Democracies. Previous version was CEPR Discussion Paper 7723 (2010). (also related to project A1).
Grüner, H.P. and D. Müller (2013). Measuring Political Information Rents: Evidence from the European Agricultural Reform. CEPR Discussion Paper 9452.
Bernecker, A. (2013). Policies or Numbers? Explaining Status Quo Bias by Anchoring. A PDF is enclosed.
Friedrichsen, J. and P. Zahn (2012). Political support in hard times: Do people care about national welfare?. Working PaperDepartment of Economics University of Mannheim 12–12. Second revision European Journal of Political Economy.
Hessami, Z. (2013). Heterogeneous Effects of European Monetary Integration on Labor Market Reform.
Hessami, Z. (2013). Package Deals in Swiss Direct Legislation: Do They Hinder or Facilitate Political Reforms?
Hessami, Z. and T. Baskaran (2012). Monetary Integration, Soft Budget Constraints, and the EMU Sovereign Debt rises.