Professor of Empirical Economic Research
Prof. Dr. Carsten Trenkler

Carsten Trenkler is Professor of Empirical Economics at the University of Mannheim since 2007. He also holds a position as Research Professor at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremburg. He received his doctoral degree in Economics in 2002 from the Humboldt University (Berlin). He worked in various research and teaching positions at the European University Institue in Florence and at the Universities of Berlin, Bonn, and Mannheim.
Carsten's main research interests are:
- Univariate and Multiple Time Series Analysis
- Bootstrapping
- Shrinkage Methods
The HKMEtrics network is a joint initiative of econometricians and statisticians from Heidelberg University, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the University of Mannheim. The mission of HeiKaMEtrics is to promote and foster research in applied and theoretical econometrics. We aim at deepening existing research collaborations and stimulating and enhancing new projects among researchers from the three institutions and beyond. The network's activities include a joint research seminar, a regular workshop for PhD students and junior researchers and an international visitors program.
For more information on our network, please, visit the HKMEtrics-Webpage.