Econometrics Seminar (Fall 2024)

This seminar offers a forum for both external and internal speakers to present their recent work on theoretical and applied econometrics. Talks take place in person on Thursdays from 15:30 – 16:30 in room 002, L9, 1–2 (60 minutes for the talk plus time for discussions afterwards) Exceptions are noted below. Everybody is welcome to attend!

September 12Taro Fujita (Mannheim)OLS with Machine Learning Predictions--
October 10Siao Xu (Mannheim)Overlapping Community Detection in Mixed Membership Vector Autoregression 
October 24Philipp Ketz (PSE)

Numerical analysis of test optimality

November 6 (Wednesday)Evan Munro (Berkeley)TBAroom 031 in L7, 3–5
November 13 (Wednesday)Kevin Dano (Princeton)Moment Restrictions in Nonlinear Panel Data Models with Feedbackroom 001 in L9, 1–2
November 18 (Monday)Kevin Chen (Harvard)TBAvia Zoom, 18:00–19:00
December 12Frank Schorfheide (UPenn)TBAroom P044 in L7, 3–5