Assistant Professor of Behavioral Economics

Prof. Dr. Wladislaw Mill

Prof. Dr. Wladislaw Mill

Wladislaw Mill is an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at the University of Mannheim. His research interest is focused around antisocial behavior. In particular, he employs theoretical and experimental methods to study how antisocial behavior affects economic decision making.

Before coming to Mannheim in 2018, he earned his Master in Business Mathematics (2014) in Jena and his Master in Philosophy (2012) in Erlangen. He made his Ph.D. in Economics in Jena in collaboration with the International Max-Planck Research School on Adapting Behavior in a Fundamentally Uncertain World (2018).


Prof. Dr. Wladislaw Mill

Juniorprofessur für VWL, Verhaltensökonomik
Universität Mannheim
Abteilung Volkswirtschafts­lehre
Juniorprofessur für VWL, Verhaltensökonomik
L 7, 3–5 – Raum 4.18
68161 Mannheim
Di 16–17