Dr. Peter Duersch
Guest Professor
Dr. Peter Duersch joined the University of Mannheim`s Chair of Microeconomics from 2017–2019 and again from 2021–2023. Before coming to Mannheim he studied economics in Bonn and took his Ph.D. at the University of Heidelberg in 2011. He is broadly active in the fields of Behavioral Economics and Experimental Economics.
His research interests include:
- Learning Theories
- Ambiguity
- Inflation
- Cognitive Ability
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
- Duersch, P., Lambrecht, M., and Oechssler, J.(2020), Measuring skill and chance in games. European Economic Review, 107, 103472.
- Dominiak, A. and Duersch, P. (2019), Interactive Ellsberg tasks: An experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 161, 145–157.
- Duersch, P. and Eife, T. (2019), Price Competition in an Inflationary Environment. Journal of Monetary Economics, 104, 48–66.
- Duersch, P., Roemer, D. and Roth, B. (2017) Intertemporal stability of uncertainty preferences. Journal of Economic Psychology. 60, 7–20.
- Duersch, P. and Müller, J. (2017). Bidding for nothing? The pitfalls of overly neutral framing. Applied Economics Letters 24(13), 932–935.
- Duersch, P. and Müller, J. (2015). Taking punishment into your own hands: An experiment. Journal of Economic Psychology 43, 1–11.
- Duersch, P., Oechssler, J., and Schipper, B. (2014). When is tit-for-tat unbeatable? International Journal of Game Theory 43, 25–36.
- Duersch, P., Oechssler, J., and Schipper, B. (2012). Unbeatable Imitation. Games and Economic Behavior 76(1), 88–96.
- Dominiak, A., Duersch, P., and Lefort, J.P. (2012). A Dynamic Ellsberg Urn Experiment. Games and Economic Behavior 75(2), 625–638.
- Duersch, P., Oechssler, J., and Schipper, B. (2012). Pure strategy equilibria in symmetric two-player zero-sum games. International Journal of Game Theory 41(3), 553–564.
- Duersch, P., Oechssler, J., and Vadovic, R. (2012). Sick Pay Provision in Experimental Labor Markets. European Economic Review 56(1), 1–19.
- Bauernschuster, S., Duersch, P., Oechssler, J., and Vadovic, R. (2010). Mandatory Sick Pay Provision: A Labor Market Experiment. Journal of Public Economics 94, 870–877.
- Duersch, P., Kolb, A., Oechssler, J., and Schipper, B. (2010). Rage against the machines: How Subjects learn to play against Computers. Economic Theory 43(3), 407–430.
- Duersch, P., Oechssler, J., and Schipper, B. (2009). Incentives for Subjects in Internet Experiments. Economic Letters 105, 120–122.
Working papers:- Dominiak, A., Duersch, P., Smith, A., and Tserenjigmid, G. Testing WWARP and the double decoy effect.
- Duersch, P. Confidence and the Ellsberg three color urn.
- Dominiak, A. and Duersch, P. Choice under Uncertainty and Cognitive Load.
- Duersch, P. Risk aversion of newly arrived refugees.
Fall Semester 2021
Master Level
E5108 Microeconomics and Wikipedia
Bachelor Level
Controversial Topics in Economics
Fall Semester 2018
Bachelor Level
Controversial Topics in Economics
Spring Semester 2018
PhD Level
Master Level
Bachelor Level
Experimental Economics seminar
Fall Semester 2017
Master Level
Bachelor Level